The Ears Necessities

Hey, this is Luke.

Fallon often asks me to do some writing on her blog. I write for a living, so you’d think this would come easily. When I get to typing the words flow pretty easily. The trouble is I’m oft inspiration-ally challenged.

When I’m not working, I don’t want to freelance. Even this is like pulling teeth with salad tongs right now. I want to try hard. But I just… can’t.

That said, the easiest way to find out about someone is to get them riffing on something they’re passionate about. At a party with strangers and want to cut some awkward silence? Ask a few open-ended questions, build off the responses of the person you’re yakking with, then once you pinpoint what they like – keep the conversation going along that route until you can get more snacks or find a dog to pet.

So I’m going to open up HUGE here and say I like music.



I can’t believe it! Music? Really? Shit. Nobody likes music. You wild sonofagun. Bet you’re into breathing air too huh chum?

Yup.  Music. Music songs. Music sounds. Melodies. Hooks. Etc.

So many songs are synonymous with Disney.

So many catchy little diddies. And they start digging their earworm roots into our memory spheres Tripledent Gum style when we’re wee little ones.

I can hear the steel drums of Under the Sea as I type this. And it’s so simple to pivot to the next classic track. All you need is the right phrase. Try the grey stuff it’s delicious. Prince Ali, fabulous he. MWAH ZABENYA (or whatever they say).

Before we left on this most recent wedding/marathon/Eat-All-The-Things-We-Got-A-Tables-In Wonderland-Card Trip – I put together a Disney playlist.

Wanna get excited for the trip? Throw on this Disney Playlist and sing along.
Had a lousy day where you just want to feel like Patrick Warburton is there to say “Nice job, pal!”? Disney Playlist

Need a third thing for a blog post because things are conveniently funnier in threes? Disney Playlist can do that!

So there it is. Songs from movies. TV theme songs from our youth. A couple bangers from the Black Panther Soundtrack. Even tracks from the rides themselves cause you can’t not have Grim Grinning Ghosts amiright?

What songs would you add? Leave a comment and let us know. Keep in mind that Let It Go is totally on this playlist like 3 or 4 times or something. This Disney Playlist hakunas some serious matata.

And if there’s any specific topic you’d like me to write about – ask Fallon. She’ll let me know and I’ll give it a go in 2022 or so.

Peace/ Love. Hang 10.
