Plaza Inn – November 9, 2017

We hadn’t made any plans for this night, we weren’t sure if we would be really tired and want to go to sleep after the Race Expo, but we were so excited to be back in California that we decided to enter the park.

We were starving, but hadn’t made any dining reservations- luckily we remembered reading rave reviews about the fried chicken at Plaza Inn, and it was technically a quick service meal! We had ate breakfast there on our previous trip, so we knew exactly where it was and set off in that direction.

You enter the main doors, and then order your food from the centre section of the restaurant. We both went for the same thing, the Plaza Inn Specialty Chicken – three pieces of chicken, fried to a golden brown, seasoned with distinctive herbs and spices. Served with mashed potatoes, buttermilk biscuit and a mixture of vegetables, $17.49

This is a massive portion! I could easily share this meal with someone (I’d just need to order an extra scoop of potatoes because I don’t share those haha). The chicken was juicy, the crispy batter had great flavour and I can see why this place has the reputation it does. I don’t know what they do, I assume use lots of butter, but Disney green beans are always so good! Mashed potatoes and gravy is one of my favourite foods (I have such fancy tastes in food haha), and I enjoyed this serving. The biscuit was good, not great. I couldn’t finish everything, this was a lot of food! Luke did well, but he couldn’t clear his plate either.

Luke had a Coke to go with his meal, I grabbed a root beer. However, after my first sip of my pop I realized the fountain must be almost out of syrup, it tasted terrible. So, I also grabbed a coke.

There was a couple sitting at the table next to ours wearing the Bride and Groom Mickey ear hats, so I pointed at their ears and asked if they were on their Honeymoon. They told us they were actually on a pre-honeymoon, they were getting married the following week in Vegas, but were spending a few days in California first. They told us it was their first time at Disneyland, and asked us what attractions they should try and do. We chatted for a few minutes, and told them our favourites in the park before wishing them well in their upcoming nuptials. We didn’t even get their names, but I hope they enjoyed their day at Disneyland!

For some reason, it seems like I didn’t take a picture of our receipt here. I would have used my annual pass for a discount, but I can’t remember if it was 10%, 15% or 20% – I’d assume 15% since that’s standard with a top tier pass in California.

This place is on the list of places I would definitely eat at again. The price was right, the servings were large and the food was really tasty. Two thumbs way up for you, Plaza Inn!