January 29, 2017 – Part Two

Enough time had passed by the time we re-entered the park that we were able to go grab another Fastpass, this time for Buzz Lightyear (and for a time frame that we were almost in already!).

We used the Star Tours fastpass we had grabbed earlier in the day, and by then we were already in our window for Buzz, where Luke beat me as per usual.

The sun had set by this point, so we went to check out the castle all lit up.

We decided to grab another Fastpass, this time for one of my favourites, Big Thunder Mountain

We still had some time to go before our next fastpass, so we went to Fantasyland to go on some of the classic rides – Snow White’s Scary Adventure, Pinocchio’s Daring Journey and Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride.

It was our first time going on Mr. Toad – that ride is ridiculous, one scene literally depicts Hell. We had just made it out of Hell when the ride broke, we could hear the people behind us laughing and yelling out that they were stuck in Hell.

Of course, I had to stop for a picture on the ride vehicle located outside the entrance. I also have no idea how to pose for pictures…

Another ride we had never been on at Disneyland was Alice in Wonderland, so that’s where we headed next. It was much better (and longer) than I was expecting- I thought it would be similar to the rides we had just come from, but apparently it has actually undergone a few refurbishments. It’s by no means what I would consider an E-ticket ride, it was just better than I thought it would be.

As we exited the ride, the Main Street Electrical Parade was going by. We had watched this parade on our first trip to WDW, and weren’t really overwhelmed by it, so we made no effort to see it on this trip.

We were finally in our window for Indiana Jones, so we walked across the park to go on that. It’s such a great ride, the attention to detail is spectacular.

Luke decided he could use a snack, and bought himself a Dole Whip float. He ate it while we walked over to Pirates of the Caribbean, and by the time we were getting ready to board our boat he had finished it.

Once we exited Pirates, we were in our window for our Big Thunder Fastpass. I love the California version of this ride so much!

By the time we got off the Wildest Ride in the Wilderness, the park was getting close to closing time, so we headed out and caught an Uber back to our hotel.

January 29, 2017 Part One

We were a little slow moving this morning, and slept in a bit. When we arrived at the park, we entered California Adventure first. The first thing we did was grab a Fastpass for Soarin’ for later that day.

We didn’t have a ton of time before our dining reservation, so we checked wait times and went to the Mickey Fun Wheel (stationary, of course- none of that moving car for me!). I used the zoom on my real camera and got some pretty cool pictures of the mountains in the distance, and a fake mountain much closer (almost all of my pictures are just taken with my phone, which was an iPhone 6 at the time of this trip)

After our short stay in the park, we headed out and walked over to the Disneyland hotel for a reservation at Goofy’s Kitchen

We once again entered DCA, and went to use our Soarin’ Fastpass.

After our trip around the world, we entered a short stand-by line and rode California Screamin’

hopped over to Disneyland and grabbed a Fastpass for Star Tours a few hours later.

From there, we headed to the Star Wars Launch Bay to meet Chewbacca and Darth Vader. I get the biggest, cheesiest grin on my face every time I meet Chewie haha…

We were hanging around afterwards, checking out the Star Wars stuff when a cast member came over, commented on our tshirts and then handed us a card with a picture of Bobba Fett and let us know he had seen him hanging around back by the cantina.

We headed back there, where there was a cast member standing by a nondescript door. We just hung out for a bit, waiting for Bobba Fett to appear but after standing around for about 10 minutes we went over and asked the cast member what time he would be showing up. The cast member smiled at us and pushed a button we hadn’t noticed, and within a minute Bobba Fett had emerged. Apparently we had to ask about him.

It was really cool to meet a rare character like that!

We finally headed back outside after spending well over an hour in the Launch Bay, where we ran into some Stormtroopers.

We decided we wanted to meet another character, so we checked the app and decided on Belle.

We were getting close to our dinner reservation in Downtown Disney, but we ran over to grab a Fastpass for Indiana Jones first.

Our supper that evening was at Naples, which I really enjoyed.

Next: January 29, 2017 Part Two

January 10, 2017 – Part Two

We decided we still wanted to do a few more things in the park, so we put our phones away and headed over to catch the train out to Rafiki’s Planet Watch. We’d never been out there before, and wanted to check it out. There isn’t a lot out there, but I loved the goats and the sheep haha

Rafiki was also out there doing character meets, so of course we had to jump into that line!

After saying goodbye to the goats, we headed back to the main park on the train. As we were walking by, we realized a Birds of Wonder show was just about to start, so we headed in and watched. I didn’t take many pictures, and instead just enjoyed the show (although I did get this one)

We decided to head over to Dinoland.

We jumped in the stand-by line for Primeval Whirl, which was only about a 20 minute wait.

I don’t love this ride, but I don’t hate it either. Crazy Mouse coasters are kind of all the same…

Tri-Ceratop Spin was practically a walk-on, and it was something we’d never been on before, so we headed there next. It’s basically just the Dumbo ride with dinosaurs.

            I have no idea what is going on in this picture, but it makes me laugh….

We were getting a little hungry by this point, so we went to check out Flame Tree BBQ.

Also, this sitting area is so pretty!

We stopped for more Tree of Life pictures since there were no lines…

Our third Fastpass was to meet Mickey and Minnie. We had originally planned on doing the Wild Africa Trek today, which is why this Fastpass was so late in the day – we didn’t want to be rushed. After cancelling the tour, we decided to just leave our fastpasses as they were.

Minnie was so excited when she saw our Just Engaged buttons. She started gesturing to ask when we got engaged, and started jumping up and down when we told her it had happened only a few hours earlier. We ended up with cute pictures from this meet and greet 🙂

We checked the MDE app for wait times in the park, and headed over to Expedition Everest and hopped in the stand-by line.

A wait time under 20 minutes for Everest is a huge yes from me every single time!

We also grabbed a Fastpass for the Safaris a little later, so that we could go on it at Twilight.

This was pre-Pandora and pre-Rivers of Light, so most people were still treating Animal Kingdom as a half day park. By this point, it was after 5pm and the crowds were thinning out. We checked wait times again, and headed back to DinoLand to get into the stand-by line for Dinosaur – I believe it was under 10 minutes until we were loading the ride.

We then noticed a 10 minute posted wait time for Expedition Everest, and since it’s my favourite ride, we headed back over to Asia (we were putting some kilometres on today!)

We got off, and immediately decided to get back in line haha.

Luke didn’t think his stomach could handle three rides on it back to back to back, and that was our fourth time on it that day, so we said goodbye to my favourite ride and walked back to Africa to use our Twilight Safari Fastpass.

My review of that – meh. Most animals are already in their enclosures, it’s hard to see the ones that are still out and it was pretty underwhelming. I wouldn’t go out of my way to ride the Safari at that time of day.

While we were walking back through Africa, Luke’s dad called him (Luke had tried calling earlier to tell him we were engaged but his dad was working). Luke sat down on a bench to talk to his dad, and I went to check out Zuri’s Sweets Shop and picked out some treats for us.

We caught a bit of the Tree of Life Awakening, before heading out of the park and catching a bus to Animal Kingdom Lodge for our late supper reservation at Saana

After our meal, we called an Uber to take us back to Saratoga Springs.

Nomad Lounge – January 2nd, 2018

It was really cold, and really packed on this day, so we decided to take a break at Nomad Lounge. Of course, there were no tables inside, but we found a 2-top table outside against the railing. Luckily, the railing is quite high, so it provided some relief from the cold wind and it wasn’t too terrible sitting outside.

The drink menus are really nice here, designed to look like a travel journal. It has a really interesting drink menu, with lots of options you can’t find anywhere else. I actually took pictures of each page, so enjoy a million pictures of it:

Luke wanted alcohol, so he ordered the Snow Leopard Salvation: snow leopard vodka, belle de brillet pear liqueur, mint and lime juice topped with ginger beer $12.50

We both liked this, even though it was strong. Luke likes ginger beer more than I do, but I’d probably say vodka is my alcohol of choice.

I wanted something non-alcoholic, so I went for the Hibiscus Henna – watermelon, hibiscus and lime juice $5.75

This was really good! Not too sweet, filled with flavour and was a really fun, bright pink colour. Even Luke, who hates watermelon, gave this drink a thumbs-up.

We wanted to share something from their Small Plate Menu, so we ordered the House-Smoked Kobe-Style Brisket Poutine – steak fries, house-made mozzarella, pan sauce $12

This is a small serving (hence the name, ‘small-plates’), but was very good! I’m not typically one who likes steak fries, I prefer my fries shoestring style, but these were cooked well and were not soggy like some larger-cut fries tend to be. The smoked brisket was really tasty, as was the mozzarella. I wasn’t sure what to expect from the “pan sauce”, but it complimented everything very well! We did dump it over everything, they just bring it out separately so nothing gets soggy (and I forgot to take a picture once we had dumped the sauce on). Being Canadian, I like to think I know what a good poutine is – this is definitely not a traditional poutine, but it is something I wouldn’t hesitate to order again!

While we were sitting there nursing the rest of our drinks, I saw a server walk by with the churros from the dessert menu, and I decided that I needed them in my life – so we ordered Churros – served with vanilla crema and chili-strawberry $9

This came in the cutest little serving dish! It was basically the equivalent of two and a half churros purchased from elsewhere in the parks (which are typically $5/each) – so this was actually a good deal! They were warm, which is a must for a good churro in my books, and covered in a very generous layer of cinnamon. The sauces were very good as well – which surprised me since I normally think churros are delicious enough on their own. The chili-strawberry was the consistency of a runny strawberry jam, but then it did have a spicy chili kick at the end. The vanilla crema was a runny vanilla sauce, and definitely my favourite of the two options.

Total cost for our bill was $40.52 after using my Tables in Wonderland card, or $33.45 excluding the auto-gratuity.

Tables in Wonderland original cost: $150                                                 Break Even Point Before this meal: $118.03                                         Savings this Meal: $7.85                                                                                         Total Until Breaking Even: $110.18

Predicted food budget: $2631.67 (does not include tip)       Estimated Cost of this meal: $115.55 (original plan was Tiffins) Actual Cost: $7.57 (Flame Tree) + $33.45 (Nomad Lounge) = $41.02 Over/Under: Under by $74.53                                                           Remaining: $2102.43

January 10, 2017 – Part One

The alarm went way too early this morning, I just wanted to keep sleeping (especially after all the drinks we had the night before). But, we pulled ourselves out of bed, got ready and called an Uber to take us to the Animal Kingdom Lodge for breakfast at Boma! This was our first time seeing AKL, what a beautiful hotel!

Once we finished up with breakfast, we caught a bus to Animal Kingdom- such a quick drive from the hotel! I was really excited about being able to see the progress being made on Pandora – I had not seen the movie Avatar at this point, but I was still excited about the new land being built, it sounded amazing.

Since the park had already been open for about half an hour, the line for security was not bad at all, but the line to scan your Magicbands was backed up a bit. No worries, we just went to the far left and entered Rainforest Cafe, cut through the gift shop and scanned our Magicbands with the cast member at that entrance – which never has a line! It’s one of my favourite Disney Park hacks 🙂

We stopped for a few Photopass pictures in front of the Tree of Life.

We were getting close to our fastpass window for Expedition Everest, so we headed over there. Here’s what our day was going to look like (minus the Wild Africa Trek, we had cancelled that a few days earlier for a full refund).

After going on my favourite ride in the park to see Disco Yeti, we started slowly making our way over to the Africa section of the park. Oh right! Proof we went on Everest (and in the back seat!):

We decided to stop for the Baloo and King Louie meet and greet, we had really enjoyed it the year before.

                                 I was pointing out to Baloo that he was on the record we were getting the characters to sign.

And then, we got engaged.

I know, you were expecting a big lead up to it, if you’ve read my trip report this far you know I can be wordy. But, don’t worry, I’m going to let Luke tell this part of the story.

We began making phone calls, first calling our moms, then my grandmother who was in the hospital at the time (and passed away less than 2 months later)- who laughed and gleefully proclaimed“I knew!”. It turns out, instead of being traditional and asking my dad to marry me, Luke had snuck out of the house on our last trip to New Brunswick under the guise of ‘going for a run’, and instead ran to my grandma’s house to ask her permission for my hand in marriage. I consider myself a strong, independent woman who doesn’t need anyone’s permission to marry whomever I want to, but this gesture of asking my Nanny really meant a lot to me.

Luke called his sister and texted the other one (she was out of the country at the time), while I called my Dad.

We actually had a Fastpass for the Safari that we wanted to use, so we headed over there and used that at the very end of our fastpass window.

After our Safari, I kept checking the MDE app but our pictures of Luke proposing had not shown up yet, so we headed out to the Photopass store located by the main gate. Once we explained what the pictures were of that we were missing, the Cast Members assured us that they would find them. It only took them a few minutes to locate our missing pictures, and then they even printed one off as a 5×7 for us free of charge 🙂

We had called our immediate family, but we decided to start texting extended family and our friends to let them know we were engaged. We found a spot on a bench and sat there for the next hour and a bit just letting the world know our happy news – our phones were going crazy with text messages of congratulations. It was a really amazing experience, sitting beside my fiancé in one of our favourite places in the world, feeling such an outpouring of love from all the important people in our lives.

We had purchased a FuelRod at the beginning of this trip, and we definitely got our money’s worth out of that thing just on this day! I think by the end of the day, we had swapped it out 4 times because we spent so much time on our phones haha. We typically only swapped it once/day, and only because I tend to take a lot of pictures.

Next: January 10, 2017 Part Two


Disneyland – February 27, 2016

It was definitely not in our plans to visit Disneyland during 2016, but then Luke won an in-game contest at an Oilers games, and the next thing we knew we were being flown to Anaheim, put up in a nice hotel and given a private tour of the Ducks’ arena, along with sixth row seats for a game between the Ducks and Oilers on a Friday night. The next day had no scheduled events as part of the prize, so while the other contest winners went shopping, went to the beach, slept off their hangovers, etc, Luke and I knew exactly where we were heading – Disneyland for the day!

We didn’t have a ton of time to plan for this trip, he won the trip and we were in Anaheim less than two weeks later, but we did manage to make an early breakfast reservation at the Plaza Inn, and a lunch reservation at Blue Bayou. The night before, we were informed that we had the chance to meet some of the Oilers in the lobby of our hotel in the morning – so sorry Minnie Mouse, we cancelled our breakfast with you!

I have the original Awkward Connor picture hahaha

After meeting some of the team, Luke and I caught a taxi and headed over to Disneyland for the day 🙂 Since the 60th Anniversary was still on, I made him stop for pictures by the sign

We both purchased one-day park hoppers and decided to start on the Disneyland side.


We immediately headed to Space Mountain, because we were really looking forward to seeing the Star Wars overlay of the ride (Hyperspace Mountain). We grabbed Fastpasses for that for the afternoon, then decided to find something to eat for breakfast. The Tomorrowland Terrace was re-themed as the Galactic Grill for awhile, so we were intrigued by some the the “Star Wars”themed food options.

Once we got a bit of food in our bellies, we checked on wait times on the app and started walking across the park. Of course, I had to stop for a churro along the way – you just can’t go to Disneyland and not have one!

We decided our first ride of the day would involve joining 999 Happy Haunts (one of our favourites!)

We then walked over to a non-existent line and went for a journey through the 100-Acre Woods.

By the time we finished celebrating with Pooh and his friends, it was time to check in for our lunch reservation at Blue Bayou!

  • Blue Bayou review

Once we finished up our fancy lunch, we headed back over towards Tomorrowland. We stopped to assist Buzz Lightyear in his quest to defeat the Evil Emperor Zurg (we were not Galactic Heros…).

By this point, it was finally time to use our Fastpasses for Hyperspace Mountain! This was worth the wait – it was amazing! The theme lent itself so well to the ride, the music was perfect, the images of the Tie-Fighters and X-Wings flying around you were awesome – we both loved this!

We decided it was time to hop over to DCA. We went and grabbed a Fastpass for Tower of Terror for later that night, then stopped in A Bug’s Life Land to go on some of the rides with minimal wait times.

 Francis’s Ladybug Boogie

  Heimlich’s Chew Chew Train

We headed over towards Paradise Pier, which is so pretty!

On our previous Disneyland trip, we had grabbed a Fastpass for California Screamin’ but I chickened out and refused to get on it. This time I promised Luke I would get on it – and I did! And, go figure – I loved it!

We walked over and had a sample of sourdough bread and learned about the Mother Dough at the Boudin Bakery Tour. We decided it was time for a snack by this point, plus our feet were starting to hurt, so we headed into Ghiradelli and ordered a Banana Split – vanilla, strawberry and chocolate ice cream paired with sliced pineapple, sliced strawberries and fresh homemde hot fudge finished with fresh bananas, whipped cream, chopped almonds and a cherry. We knew this would be more than enough to share.

We found an empty table outside and sat down. We took our time eating, discussing how happy we were to be able to spend a day at Disneyland.

We caught a bit of the Pixar Play Parade (which we had watched in its entirety on our previous trip)

We headed back over to Disneyland to use a Fastpass we had grabbed earlier in the day for Indiana Jones. For some reason, I didn’t take any pictures of the queue, despite it being the most amazing queue line of any ride. It was as amazing as we remembered, the attention to detail is so fantastic.

We then left the park and headed back over to California Adventure in order to use our Fastpass for Tower of Terror.

After we were seated on the ride, the cast member asked if anyone was experiencing TOT for the first time – no one raised their hand, everyone had been on it before. This ended up being the best group of people we’ve ever been on Tower with (even to this day, 4 Disney trips later – yes, I’m that slow at getting these trip reports written haha). Every single person was laughing as the ride dropped, and it was so enjoyable.

After our great ride, we realized we were feeling a little hungry, but we wanted something quick so we headed over to Award Wieners.

  • Award Wieners review

Once we finished eating, we said goodbye to California Adventure and headed back to Disneyland again. The castle was all lit up with the 60th Anniversary decorations, and looked beautiful.

We just stood for awhile taking it all in, before going to grab a spot to watch the second showing of the Paint the Night Parade. We actually ended up waiting about half an hour, but we were getting tired and just enjoyed sitting down on the ground for a bit.

Eventually, the parade reached us – and wow! I’m honestly not a huge parade person, but I enjoyed this one so much! It was really stunning, with all the lights and the incredible parade floats and the performers – I’m looking forward to being able to see this parade again one day. It was worth the half hour wait of staking out a spot.

Once the parade was over, it was late and we’d had a long day. We felt we had covered the parks fairly well, and even though the park was still open for another hour or so, we decided to call it a night and called an Uber to take us back to our hotel.




Festival of Holidays – November 13th, 2017

We had one tab left on the Sip and Savor pass, and Luke had been eyeing up a certain item, so I encouraged him to visit ‘Grandma’s Recipes’ and get the Sweet Potato Pie, $4.50.

I didn’t try this, so I will allow Luke to describe it:

It tasted like a butter tart, it was fluffy and sweet. The tart shell was as it should be – crispy. I’d never had a sweet potato pie before since it’s not really a Canadian thing – but butter tarts are!

Festival of Holidays – November 11, 2017

We still had tabs left from my Sip and Savor pass, so we decided to enjoy samples from the Festival of the Holidays food booths as our supper.

Luke stopped at the ‘Winter Sliderland’ booth and grabbed a Roasted Turkey Slider – with cranberry sauce, $7.50

This did not look like it was worth $7.50 – I was happy to have the Sip and Savor Pass! Luke liked it though, and was pleased with the amount of turkey on it, but it tasted more like deli-style turkey. I’m not a fan of cranberry sauce, so I didn’t try it. Luke described it as good but not great.

My first stop was at the ‘Chips, Breads and Holiday Spreads’ booth to get the Chorizo Queso Fundido – with house made tortilla chips, $6.

This was really good! I don’t always love chorizo, but it was awesome  paired with the queso in this, since it took the edge off and made the chorizo taste less spicy. This was probably my favourite item from the food booths, and it was a generous portion.

The top is the Turkey Slider (see review above). The centre was another one of Luke’s picks, the Nashville Hot Fried Turkey – served with dill pickles $7, from the ‘Spicy Celebrations’ booth. I didn’t try this either, but apparently it was really spicy. Luke loves spicy food, so he was excited to actually get something with kick (so many foods will be advertised as spicy, but it turns out to be fairly tame and mild). 

The bottom was something I was really excited for – the Beef Short Rib – with smashed potatoes and gravy, $7.75, from the ‘Joy to the Sauce’ food booth. Yum! This would be that queso’s biggest competition in my favourite food booth item from the Festival of Holidays. It was tender and flavourful, and the potatoes and gravy were a great accompaniment. I love beef and potatoes though, so it doesn’t take much to make me excited haha.

The ‘Making Spirits Bright’ booth had caught my attention, and I decided to treat myself to a Mimosa Flight, $16. This thing was pretty expensive, but oh so delicious! There were three different mimosas included in the flight – White Cranberry: Chandon Brut sparkling wine and white cranberry juice, Pear: Chandon Brut sparkling wine, pear purée and Blood Orange: Chandon Brut sparkling wine, blood orange purée. The orange was by far my favourite, but I thoroughly enjoyed the other two as well. The cranberry one just tasted like Ocean Spray White Cranberry juice, and that’s probably what it was (with a bit of cheap wine added, of course), but it was still good. I’m not usually a pear fan, but I had no trouble drinking this mimosa haha.

We had another great experience with the food booths, and we were both full without feeling too stuffed.

Cafe Orleans – Fantasmic Package – November 10, 2017

We had ate at Cafe Orleans twice on our previous trip in January 2017, we really enjoyed it and it was on our must-do again list for this trip. We were planning on just making a normal reservation, but then we heard that they were offering Fantasmic dining packages for a limited time while River Belle Terrace underwent some renovations. We had never watched Fantasmic at Disneyland, we didn’t have time on our first two trips, and it was closed during our third trip, so it was something that was high on our priority list.

We made a reservation for 3pm, which is a bit of an odd time, but we knew we’d be up crazy early for the Avengers 5k that morning and would want to have a shower and a quick nap before heading to the parks, so this way we knew we wouldn’t be too rushed.

Of course, we were still rushed haha, and had to walk very quickly from Tomorrowland in order to get there on time. Cafe Orleans is always busy though, and we did have a bit of a wait – although I believe those with the dining package had less of a wait than those with regular dining reservations. The park was so crowded that day they weren’t even accepting walk-ups.

By the time we were led to our table, we were both hangry – you know, hungry and angry. Our anger was just grumpiness from being awake so early that day and from being hungry. I felt bad, because we were a little short with our server at the beginning of this meal (don’t worry, we talked to her and apologized once we had some food in our stomach haha).

It was difficult to find the options for the three course dining package online due to this being offered temporarily, but we had found one that listed the amazing Pommes Frites as a choice for the appetizer course. When we were handed our menus at the table though, this was not on there, and we weren’t thrilled since we had already decided that’s what we would both be choosing as our first course. Our server told us that had never been an option, ever, but we kept asking why we had seen it online (again, tired, hungry and grumpy – not my finest moment). This entire thing was stupid, since it’s not like those fries are expensive, and we just asked for an order of them anyways and paid for it in addition to our three course meal.

Anyways, this is what the menu looked like that we were given:

For the appetizer portion of the meal, Luke ordered the La Salade de Maison – baby greens, cherry tomatoes, candied pecans and goat cheese with a raspberry vinaigrette.

It’s not a salad I would care for, but Luke really enjoyed it. The greens were clearly really fresh, the candied pecans brought a nice sweet taste and the feta was creamy and delicious. 

I went for their seasonal soup, which was a Chicken Gumbo. I actually didn’t know what gumbo was, and asked our waitress if it had seafood in it. She looked at me like I was a complete moron and repeated very slowly “I just said it was chicken gumbo.” I don’t eat seafood of any kind, so I was worried it would have shrimp or something gross in it, but she assured me that the only meat was chicken.

This was not what I was expecting, but it was really good! I still couldn’t tell you exactly what gumbo is, but I know I liked this one, and would order it again.

Our third appetizer, as mentioned above that we paid for in addition to the dining package were the Pommes Frites – traditional French fried potatoes tossed with garlic, Parmesan and parsley, served with a Cajun Spice Remoulade, $7. We’ve had these from here before and love them, they are on my can’t miss at Disneyland list. The remoulade I could take or leave, I’m not a huge fan, but I love shoestring style fries and the garlic-Parmesan these are coated in is so tasty!

For my entree, I chose the Steak and Potatoes– chef’s choice house-rubbed steak, garlic mashed potatoes and seasonal vegetables served with a beer-molasses sauce

This was so good! I didn’t eat the Brussel Sprouts, because those things are nasty (but Luke ate them and thought they were great), but I enjoyed the carrots and broccoli. I was worried about the sauce (I’m not a fan of beer or molasses), but this was great! I had requested a well-done steak, so I’m not sure if it’s always chopped up into smaller pieces or if that was the Chef’s way of ensuring it was fully cooked, but I didn’t care. This was cooked the way I like my steak – not bleeding on my plate, but not tough and dry and chewy. I’m not an expert on steak (despite living in Alberta), but I do know this wasn’t a super fancy, expensive cut – but again, I didn’t care and I really enjoyed it. Potatoes are one of my favourite foods, and these didn’t disappoint- nice and garlicky and creamy.

For his entree, Luke decided on the Bourbon Street Chicken – honey-kissed Chicken with Hoppin’ John, seasonal vegetables and bourbon sauce

Neither one of us knew exactly what he was going to get – what does honey-kissed mean? What the heck is Hoppin’ John? What will Bourbon sauce taste like?

Luke thought this was delicious – I had a piece of the chicken and I agreed. I might have also stole that carrot off his plate haha. It turns out Hoppin’ John is the type of rice this was served with, which Luke loved. 

There were two options for dessert so we decided to get one of each and share.

I went for the Maleficent Dragon – crunchy milk chocolate base and special dark chocolate-blackberry ganache centre with caramel mousse and orange-vanilla sauce

I’m not a huge blackberry fan, but I took my first bite of this and really enjoyed it. I took another bite, this time from more inside, and was really surprised when strong heat hit my mouth.

Apparently, there was cayenne pepper in the chocolate part at the bottom. It wasn’t mentioned in the description, but it’s also a dessert paying homage to a fire-breathing dragon – so it totally makes sense. I was examining it, trying to figure out which part the spiciness was coming from when our waitress walked over, and she looked mortified – she kept asking if everything was ok, and if I had found something in my dessert – I think she was scared I had found a hair or something in it. She laughed once I explained that I just wasn’t expecting the heat. I’m a bit of a wimp with spice, but cayenne pepper just works so well with chocolate that I really enjoyed this.

Luke went for the other dessert option, and ordered the Coconut Cake – layers of toasted coconut, vanilla cake and coconut cream garnished with Mardi-Gras-inspired toasted coconut flakes, caramel and raspberry sauces

Luke told me afterwards that he wasn’t really excited about ordering this, but it ended up being so much better than he thought it would be, and he really liked it. I stole a few bites, and I agreed. You have to like coconut, but if you’re a fan then you will like this. The cake was light and fluffy, the coconut was toasted so it added a nice crunchiness, and the raspberry sauce complimented everything so well. I would consider ordering this again for sure.

Also included with our Fantasmic dining package was a drink (all of Disneyland is alcohol free, and this restaurant is included in that). We both had the Mint Julep – which had changed a bit since our January trip, but was still delicious. I didn’t keep track of how many, but we both had multiple refills of these.

The cost for the Fantasmic dining package was $45 each, plus the $7 for the Pommes Frites. I used my Annual Pass to save 15%, so our total bill came to $88.84 after tax. Everything we ordered is on the regular menu with the exception of the Maleficent dessert, but I figure the reserved section for Fantasmic cost us about $10 total – which is a great deal. The view from our section was fantastic, and we didn’t have to stake out a spot hours in advance. The show is phenomenal there,  and I was so glad we did this dining package. I’m sad that the package was only a limited time thing at Cafe Orleans, but we will be back at this restaurant, possibly to eat the exact same items we had on this trip haha.