Plaza Inn – November 11, 2017

One of our repeat meals from our previous trip to Disneyland was at the Plaza Inn for breakfast. We again had a reservation for first thing in the morning on the Saturday we were there, and were able to enter a fairly empty park. We checked in to the restaurant, paid up front for our meal (a requirement here – also, hurray for AP discounts!), were handed our Plaza Inn pins and were led to our table. Along the way, we ran into my favourite, Eeyore, so naturally we had to stop for hugs.

We also found some chipmunks before I even had a chance to take off my sunglasses, so we took some selfies 🙂

Chip, Dale and Eeyore loved Luke’s shirt, and made a big deal out of it haha.

Of all the character meals we’ve done at Disneyland and Walt Disney World (and it’s actually quite a few), none of them compare to this one for number of characters. Most character meals have four, sometimes five characters – this one typically has nine or ten. We had already seen three before even sitting down.

The food here is pretty basic breakfast fare. It’s a buffet, but the cast members tend to serve you, you just let them know what you’d like.

I had a made to order omelet with bacon, ham and cheese to start. I tend to stay away from eggs, they don’t always agree with me, but I just can’t help myself when I see an omelet station! I also had a glass of apple juice.

The omelet was obviously fresh, as I watched it being made. It was more eggs than I wanted to eat, so I didn’t finish it all, but I did enjoy it. There was a lot of bacon and ham, and a generous serving of cheese on top.

I grabbed a second plate with some bacon, ham and a piece of chicken-fried steak with country gravy.

This stuff was all ok. Nothing was spectacular, but I don’t eat come to Plaza Inn at breakfast for the food.

Luke’s first plate contained hash browns, sausage, scrambled eggs and bacon, along with a yogurt/granola/berry parfait and a small plate with a chocolate pastry and some fruit.

Again, this was all ok. Disney bacon is always good. The hashbrowns weren’t great, but everything else was fine.

Our first visitor to our table was T-I-double-Gah-er, who was his usual bouncy self!

Next up was a villain, Mr. Captain Hook.

Max was next (Luke’s faces are hilarious in these pictures)

One of my favourites, Winnie the Pooh stopped by to see us next.

Eeyore then stopped by, and even though we had already taken pictures with him when we first entered the restaurant, we had to get some more 🙂

The 8th character we saw was the Fairy Godmother

We noticed we had time before the next character stopped by, so we headed over to grab more food. I grabbed a slice of french toast and a Mickey waffle, and a small plate of fruit (strawberries, watermelon, orange slices, grapes and honeydew melon), along with a little jello cup. Luke grabbed a second plate as well, but I have no idea what he had since I forgot to take a picture.

I like the french toast here, I had it last time we ate at Plaza as well. It’s nothing special, but the warm syrup is a nice touch. Mickey waffles are a classic staple when eating breakfast at Disney, and they all taste the same. I’ve realized over time that I might be allergic to honeydew, it always makes my mouth feel funny so I only had a small bite of that. I enjoyed the rest of it though.

I decided to run to the bathroom, thinking I had enough time before Piglet made his way over to our table. However, the bathroom is outside of the restaurant, so I just missed him by the time I got back. I saw Piglet about to head outside to visit with the people out there, so I ran over and managed to get a few selfies with him.

Minnie Mouse is technically the host of this meal, but she was not making her way around the restaurant and instead was standing outside by the main entrance. They were having guests get their picture with her before entering the restaurant, and then coming around trying to sell those pictures. Don’t even get me started on how much this bothers me – I paid $1500 for my Premier Annual Pass, over $30/person to eat breakfast, and now you want me to pay another $30 for a picture with Minnie Mouse. No, just no. This is taking the greed to a whole other level. I did insist on stopping to get a picture with Minnie before we left, and I asked the photographer how to get our picture. He kept telling me I would need to pay for it but I kept resisting, but eventually he let me know that I could go to the Photopass store on Main Street and they would be able to load my pictures on to my account for free since I had photopass included with my annual pass. So – anytime a Disney restaurant wants you to purchase photos, mention this and see if the cast member will confirm that this is an option.

The total cost of this meal was $62.28 after tax. This included a 15% discount thanks to my annual pass.