Cheesecake Factory – January 30th, 2017

This was our third trip to Anaheim, and our second time at the Cheesecake Factory – I’m a fan. The food itself is fairly generic – but the menu is huge, there are so many options! My favourite part is the cheesecake display – look how beautiful it is haha.

I’ll apologize now – this restaurant is really dark, which makes it really difficult to get good pictures, especially with my phone (and I don’t want to be that person using my flash).

They started us off with some bread – pumpernickel I believe? I liked it, but I tend to like most things with carbs.

I decided to go for the Chicken Riesling – chicken breast,  mushrooms, bacon, onions, and garlic in a white wine riesling cream sauce. Served with buttered parmesan pasta – $13.95

This was pretty decent! I’m a simpleton who loves nothing but butter on my noodles, so this was perfect for me. I also quite enjoyed the white wine sauce on the chicken – but again, I’m not a food connoisseur, so I’m not always the best one to take food advice from haha.

Luke wanted a cocktail, and ordered the Cucumber Mojito – Hendrick’s and St. Germain with cucumber, basil and fresh mint, $12.25

Luke said this was good, but a drink that costs almost as much as my entire meal?! Seems a little ridiculous.

Luke didn’t feel like a big meal, and ordered an appetizer sized Caesar Salad – the almost traditional recipe with croutons, parmesan cheese, and our special caesar dressing, with chicken added, $13.95.

This was a salad – nothing special, but it was exactly what Luke wanted and it hit the spot.

Of course we had to have cheesecake! Luke ordered the Key Lime Cheesecake – Key Lime Pie in a Cheesecake! Deliciously tart and creamy on a vanilla crumb crust – $7.95. I forgot to take a picture of this – it was our last night and I was tired!

I wasn’t hungry, so I ordered my cheesecake to go and ate it the next day at the airport. I went for the Adam’s Peanut Butter Fudge – creamy cheesecake swirled with caramel, peanut butter, Butterfingers and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups – $7.95

This is such an odd choice for me, considering I’m not a huge fan of peanut butter, but I love this cheesecake so much. I didn’t take the picture until the next day, so the whipped cream had seen better days haha. It was still delicious, and I would absolutely order this again.

Our total bill came to $60.39.

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