January 11, 2017 – Part Two

After meeting the four characters in the Circus tent, we went to check out the merchandise for sale in there. We decided to pick up a pink ear hat and have it embroidered with the name of our 3 year old neighbour as a gift for her.

From there, we made our way over to the most thrilling ride in the Magic Kingdom – the Tomorrowland Transit Authority Peoplemover!

When we walked back into the Hub, we noticed a meet and greet for a character we’d never met before, so we headed over and got into line. There was only a few people in front of us, so it wasn’t long before we were introducing ourselves to Mary Poppins (don’t tell her I’ve never watched her movie…)!

We started making our way down Main Street to leave the park, but we took our time, browsing in the shops as we went. I found a super cute Chip and Dale shirt – which I made Luke buy me since he had forgot my wallet in the room haha.

We made our way out of the park, and headed over to the boat dock. We only had to wait a few minutes before a boat arrived to take us to the Wilderness Lodge. It was our first time visiting that resort, and our first time taking one of the Magic Kingdom boats. It’s such a nice relaxing way to travel.

We were a little early, but we checked in anyway for our reservation at Whispering Canyon Cafe. You can read the review by clicking on the link.

Once we finished eating, I decided I wanted to change into my new shirt, so I ran to the bathroom to do a quick change and put my hair into a braid. We then caught the boat back over to the Magic Kingdom.

We stopped for a few pictures by the train station – something which is a lot less crowded in the middle of the afternoon. The photographer tried to make us do some weird, awkward poses, and it looks like Luke is about to lift me up into some kind of cheerleading pose in the last one…


We decided to go meet Tinkerbell, something we’d never done there – but when we saw a posted wait time of 5 minutes we figured it was the perfect time. I was finally awarded the honour of being the chosen one, and handed a red card as we entered the line – I was way too excited about that.

The posted wait time was inaccurate haha – we literally walked in to meet her, she was just saying goodbye to a family. So our wait was actually more like 15.8 seconds (and no, I did not actually time that).

Tinkerbell was really cute, and a lot of fun.

I can’t believe I’m going to share this picture – anyone who has used Memory Maker on a WDW trip has some…unfortunate photos taken of them haha. The photographer’s tend to take pictures right before you meet the character, but most of the time I don’t even realize they’re doing it… this was one of those times. I figure everyone can use a good laugh – so enjoy my extra chins and mostly-closed eyes and stupid grin hahahaha – thanks Disney Photopass Photographer at Tinkerbell….

We headed up Main Street and went to ride Haunted Mansion again. It’s been so long since this trip actually happened, but I assume we had grabbed a Fastpass for it (or it just had a really short posted wait time?).

We then headed back into Fantasyland, where we stopped for another new to us thing – pictures with the Sword in the Stone! Not surprisingly, neither one of us pulled it out.

Next: Part Three

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