2019 Items in 2019

Last weekend, I decided to start tackling our disaster of a basement…

I started breaking down old boxes, and tossing away anything that was old/broken/etc. It did take me a few hours, but by the time I finished just this side of the basement I had thrown away over 100 items and I swept/mopped the floors. There’s still a lot to be done, but overall I was very happy with the progress made in one day!

As of today (January 26) there are over 200 items out of our house since the beginning of the year!

Count: 236/2019

After this picture was taken, the lamps and stool were both moved and that cardboard box was broken down and placed into recycling.

This is entirely Christmas/Halloween/Easter decorations….. I might have a bit too much of that stuff…

I almost never wear heels, so I will probably end up selling quite a few of those pairs at some point this year. I did move a few pairs straight into a tote of things to sell, but I was more focused on picking them up off the floor than I was on going through them…

2019 Items in 2019

As I mentioned in my last post, I’m on a quest to rid our house of at least 2019 items during this year. That equals about 5.5 items leaving every single day – which is a tough task!

I knew there would be lots of days where I didn’t mark off anything from my chart, but other days with huge progress. I decided to start in the master bathroom, this storage shelf in particular:

(And yes, that tin actually has Quality Street in it…this is right beside my bathtub, and everyone needs snacks while they soak in the tub haha).

The first thing I decided to focus on was that tiny little plastic container on the bottom. In case you can’t tell from the picture, it’s filled with lip glosses/balms. Seriously. How many of those does a person actually need?!

I started smelling them all, and anything that didn’t seem right, or I knew was old went. In the end, I threw out 32 items that day:

Did these 32 items make a noticeable difference in my decluttering efforts to make our house look better? Of course not. But it only took a few minutes and I was able to mark off a full row on my decluttering sheet – it was quick, easy and has motivated me to keep going!

As of today (January 11th), there are 82 items gone from our house! It’s still all small items, but it’s progress! Here’s to keeping it going!

Progress: 82/2019

Musin9s Jan 9

  1. It’s not that I’m ad because I don’t understand people. I’m sad because I do.
  2. The world rewards extrovert behaviour… but all the VIPs are in private luxury boxes.
  3. Amazing feeling: when you find an article of clothing you thought your pet had peed on, but find out it just got some water on it instead.
  4. I’m starting to feel better, but not recovered to the point where I’m gonna pass on a can of ginger ale.
  5. Why am I so transfixed by primetime melodramas that I won’t watch for 6 year but then will be all “Oh hey – this serial killer procedural is on” *loses 48 minutes*
  6. Weird how we forget that we aren’t required to be on Facebook
  7. Loki isn’t dead. He’s the Hulk somehow. Book it.
  8. I hate when people ask me what I want to do because the actual answer I’m not allowed to go with is “eat brunch”.
  9. I celebrate the birthdays of rides at Disneyland. This is my life now.

Musin9s Jan 6, 7 & 8

  1. I hate being sick
  2. Being sick is the worst
  3. Well… maybe not the worst worst. More like the 37th worst.
  4. Cause being sick isn’t worse than having soaking wet socks or getting cancer or the music of 21 Pilots.
  5. Being sick is slightly better than being in line behind someone who’s paying with a cheque in 2019 or blindly loving the next big thing on Netflix.
  6. You can only spit green for so many days before you just want to light your lungs on fire.
  7. I can only name like 6 of the 7 dwarfs but can never remember who I forget. Let’s see Grumpy, Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Sleepy and… that guy. Sneezy. Dang. Never would’ve thought Sneezy was the one I wouldn’t remember.
  8. The most hilarious part of being sick is that moment where you think you’re getting better right before you get a coughing fit that ends in a heave.
  9. Buckley’s – it tastes awful, and it works. And that’s okay if you can save an additional 15%.

musin9s Jan 5 2019

  1. I don’t care whether someone stands or kneels during the national anthem at a hockey game. It’s only still there because it ensures revenue from 1 extra commercial break anyhow.
  2. I feel like my cat thinks it’s job is to wake me up if he thinks I’m about to have a bad dream in the middle of the night. Even though sometimes he interrupts me when I’m recording a podcast with Ryan Nugent-Hopkins at a grocery store.
  3. A good way to wind down is to take 5 minutes away from it all and focus on deep relaxed diaphragmatic breathing. A good way to get wound up is to realize you can’t really do this too often without looking kinda crazy.
  4. A dog’s love is unconditional and a cat’s love is some conditional
  5. A restaurant I love shared a photo I took on their feed and now I completely understand Instagram food photos.
  6. Do records really sound better than CDs/high quality streaming? Or do people prefer them because it forces you to stop and just enjoy the music until it’s time to flip?
  7. If I had 101 Dalmations I’d 100% name one Dog Wick
  8. Sure social contact is nice, but have you ever had some really great soup?
  9. Perrier: for when you want a water, but also want it to be kinda spicy too.


Ah yes, January – the start of a new year, and all those stupid “new year, new me” posts on social media. The time of year when everyone is making resolutions about how to make themselves better – how often they’re going to take selfies of themselves at the gym (I’m fairly certain that’s about 75% of all people do there), what delicious foods they are going to eliminate from their lives – and it’s also the time of year when fast food locations put out great deals to entice everyone to break their new diet haha.

There’s zero point in me making a resolution to go to the gym more (not going to happen), or to eat healthier (you should see the stash of snacks I have in my makeup cabinet beside my bathtub….) – but I have decided that 2019 is the year I finally finish unpacking all the boxes from our move into our house (which, you know, happened back in 2015…) – and in the process, de-clutter all the unnecessary items laying around. I found a great website – Nourishing Minimalism  who has a great challenge to get rid of 2019 items from your home during 2019. I definitely do not see myself becoming a true minimalist, but it would be nice to not trip over things all the time, and live a slightly more simple life.

So, I signed up, and printed off my free chart. I also printed a second chart, and marked “Incoming” on the top of it. I figure it won’t make much of a difference if I do manage to rid my home of 2019 items, only to replace it with that many new things. So my goal is to come as close as possible to filling the outgoing chart, while keeping the incoming chart at a reasonable number – I haven’t decided on a hard number yet, but I’m sure I’ll figure that out as the year goes on. The only rules – food doesn’t count, and neither do prescriptions. However, I am counting items such as hand soap, shampoo, etc since we have an obscene amount stockpiled in our basement – my hope is to actually make a dent in our reserves…

I guess we’ll see how I actually make out on this challenge, but I am going to try and post regularly to keep myself focused.

Musin9s – Jan 4, 2019

1) Xmas seems like a smokescreen to distract from the hardship of winter

2) It should be a requirement to have a 5 minute buffer between getting home from work and having any social interaction whatsoever

3) April 30th should be deemed “Practice Halloween”

4) If I ignore my cat when he’s trying to get my attention too often – he’ll piss on something. I am SO jealous he gets to do that.

5) I’m sad but not like, “tell a successful person to die in a fire to feel better about my worthless life” sad or anything

6) I was last week years old when I learned the word for the day after tomorrow was overmorrow

7) As I was drifting off last night I had a clever thought about the movie Coco that I was all “Oh yeah that’s good – I’ll definitely remember that tomorrow” that I definitely forgot today 

8) I’m not racist or anything… but cookies are delicious 

9) Spotify/Apple Music – have access to stream essentially any song/album ever. Netflix – have access to stream former direct to DVD movies, stuff that wasn’t good enough for HBO or Showtime, and Iron Man 2 but not Iron Man 1 or 3 (for 4 months)

Musin9s – Jan 3, 2019

I’ve always struggled with my relationship with writing. It’s something I generally feel I’m good at, and others seem to appreciate what I put out there, but it can often seem like a chore. But it’s undeniable that I’m in a better state when I’m typing things out that I enjoy. So my goal for 2019 is to make it a priority to churn something out as frequently as I’m able. So in an effort to combine things I enjoy (lists, creativity) with things I probably need (gratitude, an outlet) I came up with this idea this morning for a series of listicle style posts I’m going to call “Musin9s” – a list of 9 thoughts that came across my mind over the course of the day. Why 9? Because it’s a top 10 with 10% off. I dunno. I like 9. Cut me some slack.

Here goes:
1) I’m at my happiest when I’m spending the least time possible on my social media networks

2) I know many people who feel compelled to be genuinely upset over which NHL players made the All Star Team without recognizing having this as a problem means they must not have any actual problems at the moment

3) Money is the root of all evil… but bad guy wrestlers always seem to be having the most fun

4) This morning I saw a guy driving a Hyundai who almost smashed into a boulevard because they were in so much of a hurry, which was weird because no one who drives a Hyundai is important enough to need to be anywhere that quickly.

5) Yellow is nobody’s favourite colour 

6)The easiest way to become disappointed in yourself is to let down your dog.

7) How come Mother Gothel just didn’t tell Rapunzel her birthday was literally any other date than the one the floating lanterns were released for the missing princess?

8) It’s not that I don’t think people are good. I believe we all aspire to be good people in life. I just don’t think that’s mankind’s default setting. Being an admirable human is really hard.

9) The fastest thing in the universe is the speed of light. The second fastest? A cat who just realized you’re typing on your computer.








