musin9s Jan 5 2019

  1. I don’t care whether someone stands or kneels during the national anthem at a hockey game. It’s only still there because it ensures revenue from 1 extra commercial break anyhow.
  2. I feel like my cat thinks it’s job is to wake me up if he thinks I’m about to have a bad dream in the middle of the night. Even though sometimes he interrupts me when I’m recording a podcast with Ryan Nugent-Hopkins at a grocery store.
  3. A good way to wind down is to take 5 minutes away from it all and focus on deep relaxed diaphragmatic breathing. A good way to get wound up is to realize you can’t really do this too often without looking kinda crazy.
  4. A dog’s love is unconditional and a cat’s love is some conditional
  5. A restaurant I love shared a photo I took on their feed and now I completely understand Instagram food photos.
  6. Do records really sound better than CDs/high quality streaming? Or do people prefer them because it forces you to stop and just enjoy the music until it’s time to flip?
  7. If I had 101 Dalmations I’d 100% name one Dog Wick
  8. Sure social contact is nice, but have you ever had some really great soup?
  9. Perrier: for when you want a water, but also want it to be kinda spicy too.