2019 Items in 2019

As I mentioned in my last post, I’m on a quest to rid our house of at least 2019 items during this year. That equals about 5.5 items leaving every single day – which is a tough task!

I knew there would be lots of days where I didn’t mark off anything from my chart, but other days with huge progress. I decided to start in the master bathroom, this storage shelf in particular:

(And yes, that tin actually has Quality Street in it…this is right beside my bathtub, and everyone needs snacks while they soak in the tub haha).

The first thing I decided to focus on was that tiny little plastic container on the bottom. In case you can’t tell from the picture, it’s filled with lip glosses/balms. Seriously. How many of those does a person actually need?!

I started smelling them all, and anything that didn’t seem right, or I knew was old went. In the end, I threw out 32 items that day:

Did these 32 items make a noticeable difference in my decluttering efforts to make our house look better? Of course not. But it only took a few minutes and I was able to mark off a full row on my decluttering sheet – it was quick, easy and has motivated me to keep going!

As of today (January 11th), there are 82 items gone from our house! It’s still all small items, but it’s progress! Here’s to keeping it going!

Progress: 82/2019