April 30th/May 1st 2019

On April 29th, we headed out to my best friend’s acreage and dropped off our dogs. Just because I think they are adorable, here’s pictures of them…

Magoo always has to grab something when it’s time to go for a walk…on this particular night, it was a hand towel from the pile of clean laundry I was folding…
Jax hates the rain – but he hates his jacket even more…

On April 30th, Luke and I both had to work for the full day. The hours dragged, but we both got home around 5pm and started putting together our last minute things – packing our toothbrushes, phone chargers, etc. We cleaned the litter boxes, loaded up my SUV, made sure our cats and degu had plenty of food and treats (my Mom was going to be checking on them daily) and then headed out around 9:30pm.

After a quick stop for gas, we were on the highway to the airport and arrived at our preferred parking lot just shortly after 10pm. We took the shuttle to the terminal, checked our bags, made it through security quickly and found ourselves with lots of time before our flight left. I’m the type of person who is late for everything – except flights. I’d rather sit at my gate early than have to run to catch my flight (which happened on the last flight I took before this one, due to a system crash and the longest check-in line I’ve ever seen. The lady checking my bag told me I “should have been more responsible and been there earlier” despite the fact I was over 90 minutes early for a domestic flight *facepalm*).

Anyways, back to this trip… we decided we had more than enough time to sit down to eat. There’s a few options in the Edmonton airport, but we headed over to my old-faithful, Boston Pizza. Click on that name to take you to my review of our late-night snacks 🙂

While we were sitting there, we saw on the departure board that our flight was delayed by about 20 minutes. Once we finished eating, we headed off to our gate and found a pair of seats – only to hear an announcement a few minutes later that our flight would now be departing from a different gate. I always think it’s hilarious when you’re sitting in an airport and you see an entire herd of people changing gates, and now I was one of those people hahaha.

We eventually boarded, and left about half an hour past our original departure time. We both managed to get a bit of sleep – but not much. We landed in Toronto, and they made an announcement that anyone not connecting to Orlando was to remain seated, and anyone heading to Orlando – head straight to customs. We were cutting it close, but we made it through security and customs quickly, and made it to our gate while they were still pre-boarding!

Our flight from Toronto to Orlando was uneventful, and we landed around 10:30am on May 1st. We took the Fake-O-Rail to the main terminal and headed straight to the Magical Express.

Since we’re Canadian, Disney won’t mail us our Magicbands before a trip. To get on the Magical Express we typically have a letter that’s mailed out to us, but then I’m always struggling to get it out of my bag when we get there – so this time I was thinking ahead and brought one of my Magicbands from our December trip and it made things so much easier! We didn’t have to wait too long and we were boarding a bus for our first hotel of the trip! Of course I had to take a selfie to document the moment 😉

Exactly 31 minutes after taking that selfie, I took this picture of the sign for hotel #1 – one of our favourite places to stay on Disney property!

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