Contempo Cafe – January 4, 2018

We arrived early at the Contemporary for Highway in the Sky, so we decided to check out the hotel for a bit. We knew we’d have plenty to eat during Highway, but we were feeling a bit hungry and decided to check out Contempo Cafe. This quick service location is located on the fourth floor of the Contemporary Resort, adjacent to Chef Mickey’s. As you sit and eat, you can watch the monorail come through the building which is quite entertaining. This quick service can get a little loud, since Chef Mickey’s is a lively character buffet, but the noise isn’t a huge deal to us.

We decided to just share something, and ordered the Meat Flatbread – Italian sausage, pepperoni and Nueske’s bacon topped with mozzarella, $11.49 (on the current menu, it no longer lists this as a flatbread, I believe they might now be using regular pizza crust).

This was good! The crust was nice and crispy, there was lots of cheese and it really hit the spot! I’ve obviously had better pizzas, but for a quick serve location – I’d order this again. Now I’m craving pizza…

For drinks, I had a bottle of Coke, $2.99, and Luke had a Schofferhoffer Grapefruit beer, $9. This is the same beer they sell in the German Pavilion at Epcot, and it’s very light – even I’m ok with the taste of it, and I hate beer!

We also decided we each needed dessert, everything looked so good in the display case!

Luke, to no surprise, went for the Peanut Butter Pie, $4.79.

He loved this! He’s talked about it more than once since this trip, but for some reason we didn’t make it back here on our next two trips after this one so he could have another one… This thing was huge, and filled with a peanut butter mousse-custard stuff. I’ve seen this described before as peanut butter cookie dough, and that’s actually a great description of it! It’s inside a crispy tart, drizzled with chocolate and topped with chocolate bits and crunchy balls. This is probably Luke’s favourite Disney quick service dessert.

The item that caught my eye was the Smores Brownie, $4.29

This was another huge dessert, with a chocolate brown base (shaped like Mickey, how cute!), topped with chocolate icing (almost fudge-like in its consistency), marshmallows, graham crumbs and drizzled with more chocolate. This was a chocolate lover’s paradise! I really enjoyed this!

Our total was $34.68 after tax – no discounts were accepted here unfortunately.

Predicted food budget: $2631.67 (does not include tip)                              Estimated Cost of this meal: $26.61 (Capt’ Cooks breakfast) + $41.81 (Pecos Bills lunch) = $68.42                                                                        Actual Cost: $34.68                                                                                        Over/Under: Under by $33.74                                                                            Remaining: $1910.33

Epcot Flower & Garden – May 3, 2019

We had read that there was a special Minnie’s Garden Party event in the Odyssey building just for the weekend (May 2-6, 2019), featuring a specialty dessert, free celebrations pins, a meet and greet with Minnie and a flower wall for selfies. The building typically sells Flower & Garden festival merchandise along with a few food offerings for the festival.

We decided to check it out, and received the free celebration pins as we entered. It was really quiet when we were in there, and there wasn’t a single person in the food line so bought one of the special desserts being offered for four days only (none of the regular food offerings in here interested us). Look at how gorgeous this is (and how cute the free pins were)!

Just because it’s the prettiest dessert ever, here’s another picture of it:

This was sold as Minnie’s Garden Party Dessert – $7 according to the sign, with no description provided. The bottom layer was a carrot cake base topped with cheesecake and the dome on top was filled with whipped cream. The flowers, dome, bow and ears were all made with white chocolate, and the ears were topped with sugar crystals. This isn’t the best picture, but here’s what it looked like inside:

The dome housing the whipped cream was quite hard and difficult to break through, so we just tipped it over and scooped the whipped cream out. Neither one of us really care for white chocolate, so we didn’t eat many of the decorations past a little nibble (the sunflower, ears, etc.). But the flavours of cheesecake and carrot cake worked so well together! I wish this was served as a dessert all the time somewhere on property, I’d be all over that – and I don’t need all the frilly details that make this so pretty! Just give me a straight piece of carrot cake topped with classic cheesecake and I’d be very happy!

I’m definitely glad we tried this, it was exactly the sweetness we were craving by this point of the day. It wasn’t huge, but it was a good sharing size since we didn’t want to ruin our supper.

Total Food Cost for this Trip: $428

Epcot Popcorn – may 3, 2019

I knew I would be purchasing a refillable popcorn bucket for the trip, and we’d always been intrigued by the variety of flavours available at Epcot so when we felt peckish around 11am we headed over. This particular popcorn cart is located close to Journey into Imagination with Figment, and had the option of three different kinds – Sour Cream & Chive, Buffalo Bleu Cheese and Cheddar.

I wasn’t overly excited about any of the current specialty popcorn buckets, and decided I’d be fine with one of the regular refillable ones (and I wasn’t fussy about the colour – whatever one they gave me was perfectly fine). The refillable buckets cost $10, but they allow you to get refills for only $2 – a regular popcorn costs $5, so if you plan on purchasing popcorn at least three times on your trip you will save money!

We had walked over with the intention of getting the Buffalo Bleu Cheese popcorn, but we changed our minds at the last minute and opted for the Sour Cream & Chive instead. And it was so good! I would definitely pick up this flavour again! We split this, and didn’t even finish it all. The best part about these refillable buckets is the lid – we were able to snap the lid on, and finish it later in the day!

Total Food Cost: $406

Kona Cafe – May 3, 2019

One of Luke’s favourite restaurants on our December 2018 trip was Kona Cafe for breakfast, and he was quick to request a return on the May trip. We booked an early reservation (7:45am), and caught a Lyft over to the Polynesian from OKW.

I love the Polynesian – we will stay here one day! It’s so beautiful (but just a little out of our price range) –

We headed upstairs and checked in. It was still early, so we only waited a minute or two before being called and led to our table.

We both knew exactly what we wanted to order – the exact food we had ordered in December!

Luke went for the Seven Seas Samoan – poached eggs with citrus hollandaise sauce on pulled pork and turkey hash with mustard greens and tomatoes tossed in a citrus vinaigrette -$14

Luke loved this – he tends to order whatever version of a benedict is on a menu, and this is one of his favourite ones. The mustard greens is basically just arugula. It doesn’t look like a huge portion (and it isn’t), but it’s very rich and contains a perfect mix of sweet, savory and salty with a bit of of freshness added in from the greens.

He also ordered the Freshly Brewed Joffrey’s Coffee Hawaiian Kona Maragogype Press Pot – $9.5

I don’t drink coffee, but according to Luke this is one of the better ones available on property – in his words “it’s smooth and has great flavour”.

I went for the famous Tonga Toast – banana stuffed french toast rolled in cinnamon sugar and served with a strawberry compote and your choice of ham, spiced ham, bacon or sausage – $16

They brought over a plate with condiments – butter, ketchup, maple syrup and strawberry compote.

It’s all about that strawberry compote on the tonga toast! It’s a huge piece of sourdough bread, stuffed with bananas and coated in cinnamon sugar after being fried – I barely put a dent in this before I was full, but it’s so good! It’s a large serving, and I could easily share it with someone.

Total Cost was $37.87 after applying my 10% AP discount, and we will absolutely be back again on a future trip! Luke says that Kona is his favourite breakfast on property (but he might only be saying that to make Boma breakfast jealous…)

Total Food Cost: $396

January 2, 2018 – Part One

After our quick one-night stay at the Grand, we woke up really early and called bell services to come gather our luggage for our final hotel transfer of the trip. Once our room was empty, we said goodbye to the most comfortable bed ever, and headed out to the main lobby – of course I took some pictures along the way 🙂

I also took some pictures of the grounds at the Grand, and the main lobby – where they were refreshing the flowers for the day.

We knew we would be taking an Uber/Lyft to our breakfast ADR, so we decided to be a little extra and ordered ourselves a Minnie Van – so stinking cute! (This was during the time when it was still a flat rate of $25 – I don’t think I’ll be taking one now that they charge by mile – it’s so much cheaper to just use a regular Lyft).

We arrived at Animal Kingdom Lodge, and headed downstairs to check in for breakfast at Boma – one of Luke’s favourites! Review here 🙂

After finishing up breakfast, we were ready to get into the parks, so we took the very short bus ride to Animal Kingdom! Did I mention – it was cold this day! This Canadian is pretty soft, and was bundled up…

We arrived, and decided to head towards Dinoland after checking on the wait times. We got into the standby line for Dinosaur, and since it was still within the first hour of the park being open, the wait wasn’t too long at all- within 10 minutes we were seat-belted into the ride

This ride consistently gets a “just ok” from me. I think I would have a much higher opinion of it if I’d never been to Disneyland, but it’s a very similar ride to Indiana Jones in California – and Indy easily wins in the comparison to Dinosaur!

Also – most of our family and friends who were due to arrive in a few days had never been to Disney, so I had been asked by a few of them about what to do with their park bags while on rides – so I took a bunch of pictures to show them how accommodating the Disney rides are for backpacks! This one is to show how large the storage pouches are on Dinosaur –

We then decided to was time to finally see Pandora for the first time! We walked in, and wow! What an amazing Land Imagineering has created, with the floating mountains and the waterfalls and all the plants. Just incredible.

We stopped for a few Photopass pictures –

… before we headed over to use our first Fastpass of the day – on Flight of Passage! I was so excited for this ride, and it did not disappoint! We were also very lucky to have a Fastpass – the wait time was listed at 240 minutes (4 hours!) for most of the day.

After our exciting ride on the back of a Banshee, we spent a bit more time exploring the land (and yes, of course I took a bunch more pictures, the land is just so pretty and deserves to be photographed!)

The park was really busy this day, but we had another Fastpass to use so we made our way over to Asia for my favourite Disney ride – Expedition Everest!

I again took a picture for our wedding guests to see that there was nothing to worry about when it came to space on the rides for their backpacks – hopefully these pictures can help anyone currently planning their first Disney trip!

The ride was as great as always! We still had quite a bit of time to kill before our next Fastpass window, so we headed back out to the main area in front of the Tree of Life. By this point some of the huge crowds that gather for Photopass pictures first thing in the morning had dissipated, so we decided to stop for some pictures