Highway in the Sky – January 4, 2018

Highway in the Sky was announced shortly before our January 2017 trip, but it sold out so quickly we didn’t even have a chance to try and fit it into our schedule. It was one of the top things we wanted to experience on our wedding trip though, so we kept stalking the website waiting for booking to open. We actually had a few nights during our vacation where we could have fit it in, we weren’t 100% sure which nights of the week it would be offered on. 

Finally, Luke texted me one day that booking had opened for the dates of our trip, and he had already paid for and reserved two spots for us on the first Thursday night we were there.

This is an expensive event, I believe it was $159/person plus tax when we booked (but that included gratuity), but it was our wedding trip and we felt like treating ourselves. #treatyoself  (Also – the price has increased since this point, and I believe at last look it was up to $170/person)

The evening began by meeting up at the Contemporary, and heading to the Wave to sign in. Once they verified our names against their list, we were handed a lanyard and invited to take a seat in the waiting area of the restaurant.

After a short wait, someone from the Wave came over and talked a bit about the restaurant, before servers appeared with our first drink and food item of the night. Typically they serve a fairly standard cocktail, but it was really cold outside so they switched it up to a hot drink. We each received a warm rum butter apple cider with whiskey and a maple foam. I apologize for the terrible picture of this, it was dark where we were sitting.

I wish this drink was on a regular menu somewhere on property, I would go out of my way just to get it. I absolutely loved it – the Maple wasn’t too overpowering (I’m Canadian, I know my Maple products haha), it wasn’t hot enough to burn my tongue which was nice and it wasn’t too strong – I never want to taste the alcohol in my first drink of the evening. We were off to a delicious start to the night!

They also brought around little cups with butternut squash soup. I’d honestly never tried this before because I just assumed I wouldn’t like it (I don’t like squash at all – but apparently blend it with cream and I’m a fan?). This was a very small serving, but it was really good! (Pictures are before and after I stirred it up)

After a few minutes of chatting with some of the other couples there that night, the cast members came around and rounded us up, leading us to security and up onto the monorail. The three cast members assigned to Highway in the Sky are in constant communication with the monorail drivers, so you never actually have to stand around waiting – the monorail is actually waiting for the group! They also keep the entire front car empty just for your group, which is a nice touch that really makes you feel like a VIP!

After boarding at the Contemporary, we rode the monorail over to the Polynesian. They escorted us inside to the open space on the second floor, where they had set up four-top standing tables decorated with cute little Polynesian touches.

Seating was not assigned, so we just found a table with two empty spots and introduced ourselves to the other couple. A Polynesian Resort cast member came out to tell us all about dining at the resort, while cast members came around putting a Mai Tai in front of each of us.

I loved these slanted glasses, and this drink was strong! The Polynesian Resort cast member described the food we were about to eat before the three small plates were placed in front of us. The ukelele player who I’ve seen at ‘Ohana before then came out and played for us while we ate.

The first small plate was ???? The second one was some kind of sushi and the third one was pork belly. The first two didn’t interest me at all, but the pork belly was delicious!

Once we had finished eating, we were rounded up once again and escorted back to the monorail (this time skipping security). Our destination this time was the Grand Floridian for the entree portion of the evening. We were led to Citricos, and we were called by couple and led to assigned tables in the restaurant. There was a bread basket on each table, and servers came around offering a choice of red or white wine (I went white, Luke went for the red). I’m not a huge wine person, this was dryer than I tend to go for but I still drank it. I can’t tell you anything about it haha – I’m not one of those people who can describe the flavours in a wine.

The main course was a surf and turf – on this night it was a boneless beef short rib and halibut, served with mashed potatoes and green beans. I don’t eat seafood of any kind, so I quickly shoved my fish onto Luke’s plate and just enjoyed the beef (he gave me quite a bit of his beef in return). It was perfect – fall apart tender, the sauce was really tasty and the mashed potatoes were smooth and creamy.

Once we had finished up, we were told to head downstairs to the Tea Room, where we each received a glass of champagne and a charcuterie plate.

The champagne was definitely the Fairy Tale Cuvee that was served at our wedding a few days later – it’s ok (but I don’t love champagne to begin with). The charcuterie doesn’t look like much, but it was tasty! I didn’t try the blue cheese or the pickles or the mustard (I’ve come a long way, but I can still be a bit picky at times haha). I enjoyed everything else on the plate though! Not pictured was a little plate of baguette.

When we headed back upstairs, we had a few minutes before the monorail arrived, so we took a group picture, and tried to see how many characters we could spot on the floor.

There’s a lot more than that, but it’s another one of those little details that I just love about Disney!

Our monorail arrived, and we piled back in to head to our final stop of the night – back to the Contemporary. The final part of Highway in the Sky is a private viewing of the Magic Kingdom fireworks from the fourth floor balcony, along with some desserts. Typically the desserts and drinks (canned soft drinks, coffee, tea, Bailey’s, Kahula, Frangelico, etc) are set up outside, but due to how cold it was on this evening, they set up it up inside. We each grabbed a plate with some desserts, I had a can of Coke and Luke had a coffee with Bailey’s. We were able to sit on the couches just inside the fourth floor balcony enjoying our final snacks of the evening until shortly before the fireworks started.

As we headed outside to watch the fireworks, the cast members handed us a blanket to wrap up in so we would stay warm. Obviously you are too far away to see the castle projections, but the view of the fireworks from here is great!

As we exited and handed the blankets back in, we were each handed a small box with the Contemporary Resort logo and chocolate truffles inside. It was a nice little parting gift after a wonderful evening!

Overall, we really enjoyed this experience, and did it again on our May 2019 trip. I didn’t love all the food on this night (but that’s just because I’m a bit picky and don’t like seafood) – but I still felt the value was there! Since they keep the groups small, you really feel like a VIP, and the food that I actually did eat was all great!