‘Ohana – May 3, 2019

Our first official gathering for Epic weekend was for supper at ‘Ohana on Friday night. Luke and I ubered over to the Poly from OKW, and met up with Ariana and Jackie, who were outside at the Tiki Terrace enjoying a pre-supper drink. I wasn’t feeling like a drink yet, but Luke grabbed a Spiky Pineapple – Barbancourt Pango Rhum blended with Pineapple Soft-serve, $14 (an alcoholic Dole Whip, basically).

After chatting for a bit, we headed inside to meet up with the group. Quite a few of us had met the day before during the VIP Tour, but there were a few new faces to meet. Introductions were made, a few people grabbed drinks while waiting and before long we were led inside to be seated. Since we were such a large group, they had us placed at three long tables in the centre of the restaurant. I’m not sure who the original owner of this picture was, but I saved a copy to use for my review (so thanks to whomever I stole this from!)

Luke and I had ate at ‘Ohana a few times in the past – it’s been consistently worse each time we’ve gone, but it’s not terrible overall. It’s not a must-do for us, but we enjoyed the company during this meal <3

We both decided to start with drinks, and I ordered an Antioxidant Lemonade – Van Gogh Acai-Bluberry Vodka, Odwalla Lemonade and pomegranate juice topped with sprite, $11.25. I’ve had this before since it’s from the generic Disney alcohol menu that is available at most resorts on property, but I really enjoy it. It’s sweet without being overly so, and contains vodka – my alcohol of choice most of the time.

Luke ordered a Bacardi Mojito – Bacardi Superior Rum, fresh lime juice, agave nectar and mint topped with soda water, $11.75. This was a standard mojito, which is always delicious.

On to the food! First up is the Pineapple Coconut Bread – which I always find dry, kind of stale and overall just meh. At least they serve it with butter now (when we ate at ‘Ohana in 2017 they didn’t give us anything for it). You can taste the pineapple flavour in this bread, but I wouldn’t waste valuable stomach space on this – and I’m a huge lover of all carbs.

Next up is the salad, which seems to change every single time we eat here. On this particular day, it was spinach based. When I’m at Disney, and a salad is placed in front of me – I always try to eat some to offset all the other delicious bad-for-me food that I’m eating. This isn’t the best, but it’s not terrible and I do enjoy some fresh food every once in awhile.

The main platter of food contained Honey-Coriander Chicken Wings, Pork Dumplings, Teriyaki Noodles and Stir-Fried Vegetables. The vegetables tasted like they came frozen in a bag, they were kind of mushy and just not very good (which is too bad, they were excellent back in 2017). The dumplings and chicken wings were ok, and the noodles were decent.

The servers also come around with skewers of chicken, beef and shrimp. I don’t eat anything from the ocean, and Luke has a mild shellfish allergy so we both passed on the shrimp. I had a small amount of chicken but it was dark meat which I don’t really like, it always seems slimy to me. The steak is never cooked to my liking, but the cast members brought me some well-done pieces upon request. I know – I’m one of those people who likes to ruin meat. I didn’t take any pictures of the meat, since we were busy chatting with everyone at our table.

Finally, it was time for dessert, the famous ‘Ohana bread pudding. I was sitting beside Mary, and a cast member ended up spilling an entire container of caramel sauce down her back, so they gave her a voucher to get a new outfit from the shop on the main floor of the Poly. I felt so bad for her, I’m sure that was not fun to wash out of her hair….

Dessert tasted great as always though! I only had a small piece, but it was enough.

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This meal keeps getting more expensive every time we go – it was $52/person at this point. I did have my AP for 10% off, but obviously our group had more than 6 so the 18% auto-gratuity was applied (which is fine – we tip that much anyways!). For Luke and I, this meal cost $147.04 (or $124.18 before the tip – which is the price I’ll use for my total food cost).

Total Food Cost: $566