Trattoria Al Forno – May 4, 2019

I was really looking forward to this breakfast, we had scheduled it for our wedding trip in 2018 but ended up needing to cancel at the last minute. So I was determined to make it there on this trip!

Our reservation was early – we were one of the first tables to be seated, the characters hadn’t even appeared yet.

We both knew what we wanted to order before we even sat down (we always look at menus ahead of time), but we still looked at the menu just to make sure nothing had changed. Since this is a character breakfast, it has a fixed price, but you can order any entree from the list. Juice/coffee/pop are included, but specialty drinks do cost extra.

I had decided on the Royale Breakfast – oak-grilled steak, asparagus, cheesy-egg torte, fonduta, breakfast potatoes, crispy onion.

This doesn’t look like anything special, but it was soooo good! I don’t think the steak typically comes cut into pieces like that, but again – I like to ruin my beef by asking for it well done. This was cooked perfectly, not dry at all. I don’t eat eggs very often, so I gave Luke the cheesy egg torte – but I did eat the asparagus and the fonduta on top was nice. I also gave Luke most of the crispy onions but I refused to share any of the potatoes. They were delicious! I would definitely order this again, I loved it.

Luke went for King Triton’s Shipwreck al Forno – calzone with scrambled eggs, bell peppers, salumi, bacon, sausage, blend of cheeses, Sunday Gravy.

They bring this dish out with the giant trident, but the server stands there while you take a picture and then they take the trident back with them immediately. I’m sure it’s for safety, that thing looks like it could hurt someone.

Luke enjoyed this more than he thought he would, but he couldn’t finish it. It was just too much food for that early in the morning, especially something as heavy as a calzone. But he told me he would definitely order it again!

Luke and I both ordered orange juice, and he had a coffee as well. We knew there would be plenty of time later that day for alcohol haha.

Also included with this meal is a basket of pastries, which are very pretty!

We split these, and ate every last bite of them! They were much better than we were expecting!

Of course this is a character meal – with Ariel, Prince Eric, Rapunzel and Flynn Ryder. We met Rapunzel and Flynn before our meals even arrived, and Ariel showed up before I had a single bite of my food. It was actually great timing, as we were able to enjoy the majority of our meal without worrying about missing a character. (and yes, my ears are battery-operated and light up!)

Tangled is a favourite in our house, so we really enjoyed meeting those two! Prince Eric is typically a boring character, but this cast member was excellent and really brought the character to life!

Our total bill after AP discount but before tip was $76.68. We paid, and were out of the restaurant shortly after 8am.

Total Food Cost: $643