May 4, 2019 – Part Three

The sky opened up just after we had entered the building, so we ended up having great timing! We easily found the group, and spent the next hour or so hanging out and chatting. At some point I took this picture but I don’t think Luke or I actually bought this (or tried it?)???

Once the rain cleared, we all headed out into the World Showcase to enjoy some food and drinks. We ended up split into multiple groups, I know one group was headed for Steve’s shrimp but Luke has a shellfish allergy and I don’t eat fish so that didn’t interest us at all. We found ourselves in Mexico, and someone we were with suggested the Grand Fiesta Tour. I don’t even remember who was with us at this point – Jackie maybe? Liesa? Docsoliday1’s daughter was definitely there I think?

From there, we made our way to Norway, where we grabbed a beer for Luke and a cute little thing of moscato wine for me. The wine wasn’t even from Norway, but it was cute and I enjoy sweet wines.

We checked out some of the stuff in the Norway Pavilion, I had never looked at these things before?

We headed back through Mexico and cut across over to Canada. Luke and I hadn’t had any actual food in a few hours, so we stopped for some poutine at Refreshment Port like the good Canadians we are.

We met up with a large group of people shortly after this, and a group of them stopped in Morocco to grab some food from The Taste of Marrakesh booth. Luke wanted to try the Cauliflower –

We made a quick stop in Japan at the Kabuki Cafe, I’m obsessed with the kakigori from there. Luke went for a Sake Mist. Again, full descriptions and pricing can be found in my dining report of this day 🙂

A few people wanted to check out the Garden Rocks concert (it was Herman’s Hermits that day). One group headed inside to the quick service location in the American Pavilion, and we found a picnic table with an umbrella to sit down outside (also in the American Pavilion). We could easily hear the concert but it wasn’t overpowering loud, so we just sat there listening, enjoying our shaved ice and chatting with Billie and Sarah for the entire duration of the band’s set.

Once the band finished, most of us managed to find each other again. We took off as a large group –

– before stopping for some group photos in Germany.

Someone, I think it was Ariana, bought a pretzel here because I definitely had a bite of one, but did not buy it haha. It was delicious – much better than the stale Mickey pretzels sold everywhere.