Olivia’s Cafe – January 6, 2018

For my Dad’s first morning at Disney, we decided to take him to Olivia’s Cafe, located at Old Key West.

Luke went for the exact same breakfast he had on our previous trip there the year before – Eggs and Hash: 2 eggs served any-style over sweet potato ham hash, topped with key lime hollandaise, served with a buttermilk biscuit ($14). He also ordered a coffee ($2.99).

Luke once again loved this meal, and joined the clean-plate club! I actually don’t see this on the current menu – hopefully it’s just because of Covid and all the restrictions in place – otherwise Luke will be very sad!

I went in thinking I’d order the banana bread french toast again, but our server let us know there were a few special offerings just for Marathon weekend. After hearing the description of each item I decided on the Chicken and Waffles ($16), and a glass of apple juice ($3.59).

This needs to be on the full-time menu! I don’t have the official description, but it was classic Mickey waffles and the same chicken Olivia’s uses for their Southernmost Buttermilk Chicken on the dinner menu. There were also pickles and strawberries on the plate, maple syrup on the waffles and everything had a shake of powdered sugar over top. I loved this (I mean, what’s not to love?!). I actually did a decent job on this and put a considerable dent in my plate (except for those pickles, they were all shoved to the side because yuck).

My Dad went for the Waffles and Eggs – Waffles with Two Eggs-Any Style with choice of Bacon, Ham or Sausage with Maple Syrup ($15). He chose bacon, and asked for his eggs scrambled. He also had a glass of orange juice ($3.49). He also ordered the side of Strawberries and Whipped Cream ($5)…. they are a little generous with the whipped cream hahaha. My Dad loves fruit, and just wanted some for breakfast – instead he received a few strawberries and a bowl of whipped cream….

His plate doesn’t look too exciting, but you can never go wrong with Mickey waffles!

Luke and I love Old Key West, and I’m sure we’ll stay there again one day – which means we will eat at Olivia’s again in the future!

For the below math, only mine and Luke’s meal counted towards our actual cost, since my Dad paid for his meal himself.

Tables in Wonderland original cost: $150 Break Even Point Before this meal: $62.32 Savings this Meal: $12.01 Total Until Breaking Even: $50.31

Predicted food budget: $2631.67 (does not include tip)                                        Estimated Cost of this meal: $35.44                                                                                  Actual Cost: $31.17                                                                                          Over/Under: Under by $4.27                                                                           Remaining: $1345.57

Happily Ever After Dessert Party – January 5, 2018

Luke and I love HEA, and we had never done a dessert party at Magic Kingdom so we worked this into our schedule. We showed up at Tomorrowland Terrace, where we checked in at 7:49pm. They verified we were on the list, and sent us up the ramp to begin enjoying the snacks. It was not sold out on this night, so it was easy to find a table.

I took pictures of the entire dessert buffet spread – enjoy! 

We were both excited to see POG juice as an option. Not pictured were the bottles of water you could also grab. 

Luke ended up getting a tea (it was another chilly night and he wanted something to warm up with), a glass of POG juice and a bottle of water. I went for a bottle of water and a glass of POG juice. Here’s pictures of our first plates – 

It was Frederick the AT-AT’s first dessert party! He was eying up our food – but once again, he’s an inanimate object so he doesn’t eat…

I have this picture of another plate – I think we shared? Typically at a buffet like this, Luke will finish before me and then ask if I want anything picked up when he goes back up, then I’ll ask him the same when I go back for my second pass. We definitely both went back a few times haha.

The cheesecake brownie bites were my favourite thing, I really enjoyed those a lot. It was also nice to have some fruit!

A bunch of people had rushed out the viewing area as soon as they were able to so they could get the front of the viewing area. This wasn’t our first time seeing HEA (this week), so we weren’t in a hurry. We filled our bellies until we felt like we had got our money’s worth, then made our way over to the viewing area. 

We ended up standing at the very back of the fenced off viewing area, but there was about 10 feet in front of us without people. It was actually fantastic, we didn’t feel we were looking over anyone’s head, we had room to breathe without being crammed in like sardines and there was a fence directly behind us to lean against. It was a really great place to watch the show! 

Overall, we really enjoyed this dessert party, and it was a wonderful way to end a day that had started so terrible. *Spoiler alert* – I ended up back at this dessert party the next week unplanned. Luke and I haven’t been back together on any subsequent trips, but I’m sure we will do a Magic Kingdom dessert party again one day!

Predicted food budget: $2631.67 (does not include tip)                                        Estimated Cost of this meal: $125.65 (I thought there was going to be tax added on to the cost)                                                                             Actual Cost: $118                                                                                          Over/Under: Under by $7.65                                                                            Remaining: $1376.74

January 5, 2018 – Part Five

After we finished eating, we didn’t really have any major plans for a few hours. Since it wasn’t too far from where we were, we decided to go visit the Country Bear Jamboree! We both really enjoy this stupid show haha, and try to go see it at least once every trip.

This was Frederick the AT-AT’s first time seeing the show, but since he’s an inanimate popcorn bucket, he didn’t tell me his thoughts or feelings about it.

Earlier in the day, after using our third Fastpass, we had jumped on MDE and grabbed a fourth Fastpass – for Jungle Cruise. We were now in the window for that, so that’s the direction we headed in.

Frederick the AT-AT got to see the eighth wonder of the World – the BACKSIDE OF WATER!

Our next stop was to visit some animatronic birds at the Enchanted Tiki Room. I love this water feature that you see from the queue line, it’s so pretty (especially at night when it’s all lit up). I still give Disneyland the edge when it comes to the outdoor space at the Tiki Room though…

Also – the crowds were high. This was less than a week after New Year’s, and it was the Friday night of Marathon weekend. You can see in my Country Bear photo above that it was pretty full, and we were in the back row of a packed house at the Tiki Room as well – two shows that are not always at capacity.

After we left the Tiki Room, we slowly made our way over to the Tomorrowland Terrace to check in for the Happily Ever After dessert party. We were not in a rush, and thoroughly enjoyed our relaxing evening together – our last night in the parks alone! We were both so excited for our friends and families to arrive – all of our Disney trips up to this point had been with just the two of us, so we were looking forward to sharing our love of the parks! We really enjoyed this dessert party, you can read all about it over here 🙂

Once the show ended, we decided against leaving with the crowd, and instead headed into Tomorrowland and hopped on one of our favourites – the Peoplemaker!

After our tour of Tomorrowland, Main Street had cleared so we decided to head out. The park was open until midnight, but we had to get back to OKW – my Dad had finally landed in Orlando and was en route via the Magical Express! We hopped off the bus at Hospitality House at OKW and a few minutes later the Magical Express bus pulled in. I hadn’t seen my Dad since the previous June, so this was exciting! He was actually staying in our room for the night – he was booked in a room of his own for a week, but then we weren’t able to find him a flight on January 6th that didn’t cost way too much money, or have terrible flight times. So, January 5th arrival it was! We had him added to our room with a note that it was just for the one night, and reconfirmed this at the front desk on the day we checked in – no problems at all!

We were all pretty tired, so we just headed to the room and settled in for the night, and just spent some time chatting and getting my Dad excited for the week to come. We were all sad too, one of the first things my Dad asked was if the news of Terence’s accident was true (my uncle was still a kid, only 9 years old or so when my parents had started dating so my Dad had known him for a long time).

We eventually fell asleep filled with a lot of emotion – Luke’s family and some of our best friends would be arriving tomorrow, and we had a busy schedule for the day!

Fitbit Steps: 13,599