January 7, 2018 – Part Three

After reaching the Ticket and Transportation Center on the monorail, we got off. I asked the group if they wanted to catch the other monorail to get us to Magic Kingdom, or if they wanted to take the boat – group consensus was boat. This was something I’d never actually done, so I was looking forward to it. It was really busy, and had a huge line (which was a bit surprising since it was early afternoon by this point) – but we still got on the first boat that came by. It was my first time on the boat from the TTC – and I took zero photos. Oops.

We entered the park, and… I don’t remember what we did. I have terrible notes from this afternoon, and not many pictures. I think Laura and Cathy were hungry, and Jill went with them (I think they ended up eating at Tortuga Tavern?). I do have this picture of the Adventureland sign?

I do remember I had been texting my Dad, and he was on his way to MK to meet up with me. I seem to recall I found a bench close to the front of the park, and just sat there by myself people watching for quite awhile. It was nice, and sometimes you just need some alone time. Eventually I realized that Dad’s phone wasn’t receiving my texts, and I had no way of getting in touch with him to let him know where I was. As I was sitting there trying to figure out how I’d find him, I heard my name – I looked up and Lisa was standing there! She let me know that her and Trevor had ran into my Dad at the MK entrance (lucky bounce!).

It was close to time for the Festival of Fantasy Parade, so Main Street was getting pretty busy. We were able to weave our way along the sidewalk and reach the Hub. We walked past a few people holding giant foot-long hotdogs – and Lisa, Trevor and my Dad decided they wanted one too. So off to Casey’s Corner! Read about it here.

After everyone was full, we continued into the park. We decided to stop at the Enchanted Tiki Room, and the four of us went to see the show.

Earlier in the day, I had grabbed a Fastpass for Splash Mountain for a few of us – it was the last day to ride it, as it was going down for a refurbishment beginning in the morning. We were now in the window, so my Dad and I headed in that direction. I have no idea where Lisa and Trevor went after the Tiki Room – they might have come with to say hi to Luke’s family?

It’s probably a good thing there weren’t any children in our boat on Splash haha – my Dad was yelling a few obscenities as we made our way down the big hill hahaha. He was white-knuckling that bar in front of us, and told me I was so brave for putting my arms up haha. (Spoiler alert – at the end of the week he declared Splash Mountain his favourite ride so I guess he wasn’t that scared of it). Despite the look on Jill’s face, she also enjoyed it. Laura hates heights, so she wasn’t a huge fan – but I’m happy she tried it! Cathy had been on it before.

Around the exact same time, Larissa and Devin were over in Hollywood Studios braving the Tower of Terror. I have no idea if they made it to their other two Fastpasses, or exactly what they did after we split from them, but I do have this Photopass picture of them on the ride –

After Splash, we went for a snack at Aloha Isle. There was talk about going on the Magic Carpets of Aladdin ride, but the line was too long (??) so we headed over to Fantasyland so Cathy could go on the Carousel (apparently they are her favourite). I was a huge grump and refused to go on it with everyone – I think even my Dad might have even gone on it? I took zero pictures. The group decided to head back to OKW and take a bit of a break before our super later diner reservation, so they all headed out to catch a bus together. I have no idea if they went straight to the buses, or if they stopped along the way – it was probably for the best that they left, I don’t think I was the best company at that point. Sorry to those around me that evening!

I spent a few minutes alone, trying to shake the miserable mood I was in. I was texting my two bridesmaids, they had arrived today and after checking in to their room at OKW, they had come straight to Magic Kingdom. Their flight was a bit late, so they were later than they thought they’d be getting to the park and had missed their first fastpass – but they had made it in time for their Splash Mountain one –

In the very front is Lauren, who I met in 2007. She is one of the funniest people I know, and always makes me laugh – we’ve had some adventures over the years haha. She was one of the few who had been to Disney before, but it had been years prior – and she hadn’t stayed on property before. This trip renewed her love for Disney, and she actually booked another trip shortly after getting home – she went in 2019 with her Mom and one of her sisters, and had another trip booked for 2020 (which obviously she had to cancel due to the pandemic). She’s been asking me when my next trip to WDW is, so I know she’ll be joining us the next time we go 🙂

In the second row is Steph, who I met in 2006 during our freshman week in university. Beside her is her boyfriend at the time, Ryan (they are now married). Steph has always been the responsible, smart one of our friend group – but she was always willing to join us on our crazy shenanigans’! This was the first time to a Disney Park for both her and Ryan, and I’m sure they will join us again one day (when we take our children together)!