August 26, 2024 – Embarkation Day (Part One)

I am a person who enjoys sleeping (and sleeping in) – I woke on my own before 7am on this day. I was just so excited! As soon as I woke up, I rushed over to the window, pulled back the curtains – and was met with this beautiful sight <3. As I said – the price of the Pan Pacific was worth it to be able to look out the window at this while getting ready.

Our friends who were on the same cruise had crossed multiple time zones, so they were awake very early – they actually watched the Wonder dock and sent me this picture (they were also staying at the Pan) –

I can’t remember our exact check-in time, I want to say it was 11:45? Luke and I decided to walk to the liquor store, which was only a block or two away. I grabbed a cheap bottle of wine to take onboard – and I didn’t even touch it the entire trip. Luke bought some beer to take onboard. While walking back, we ran into a couple wearing Disney clothing – obviously they were embarking today as well so we chatted with them the entire way back.

Once we were back, we finished packing everything back up and called bell services – they came to our room, and took our checked bags directly to the ship – so handy! We got ready and took some more pictures –

At some point Luke went and grabbed McDonald’s breakfast for everyone (except me – I ate some leftovers they had brought me back from Old Spaghetti Factory). I’m not a breakfast food person, so foods like spaghetti will win every single time over an Egg McMuffin.

While we were still in the room I filled out the required health questionnaire. I also took a screenshot of the countdown in the app showing zero days left!


Check out for the hotel was at noon I believe, so we were able to hang out in our room until it was time to check in for the cruise. We checked out around 11:15 (and I got a picture of the Monday mat in the elevator). The picture of the funnels was from the hotel lobby (the timestamp on that was 11:19am).

When staying at the Pan Pacific, you don’t even need to go outside to reach the check-in areas. At 11:29am I took this picture (and we were not setting any land-speed records haha – we were walking at the pace of a four year old) –

I think our official check-in time was 12? But we were showing our passports and getting wristbands before that time. After that, we went through customs and then another room to put our backpacks through a scanner (like at the airport), and finally found ourselves in the final waiting room. I have these pictures of a happy Jocelyn in the waiting room timestamped at 12:21 (and we’d been in that room for awhile by that point).

When we arrived in the final waiting room, they had already allowed anyone in boarding groups 1-8 to board the ship. We were group 13, so we did have to wait a few minutes but it wasn’t bad at all – I think we were in there for ~20 minutes?

By 12:32 I was taking this picture:

And we found our first photographer of the trip!

And then we were finally onboard and ready to truly start this vacation!

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