Category Archives: Food Review

Le Cellier – January 8, 2018

We had split into two reservations for this meal, one under my name and one under Luke’s name. We arrived a bit late, but luckily my Dad was there on time so he was able to get them to hold our reservation.

I don’t know what everyone at Luke’s table ordered, and I don’t have pictures of anything, but I do know the chefs made Larissa a vegan dish that she loved.

At my table of eight, seven of us ordered the Le Cellier Signature Poutine – fresh-cut fries, Canadian Cheddar, truffles and red wine reduction, $10 (the current cost as of November 2021 is $14). I’ve had this before, and really enjoy it – but a few people complained that it was too salty. This is not like a traditional poutine we get as Canadians, it is definitely elevated with the truffles and red wine reduction (a bit of a step from the classic brown gravy typically used haha).

I also ordered a bowl of the Canadian Cheddar Cheese Soup – made with Moosehead Pale Ale and Neuske’s Applewood Smoked Bacon, $11 (current cost as of November 2021 is $13). Again, I’ve had this before and Luke has even made it at home – we’re fans.

I wasn’t in an alcohol drinking mood, and just had a Root Beer, $3.49

Other dishes ordered at my table included the Mac and Cheese – provolone, fontina, asiago, parmesan, Laura Chanel goat cheese, $10 (I took this description from the current menu but I feel like it might have been slightly different at the time, I don’t know if the person who had this would order something with goat cheese…), a Seasonal Poutine, $13 (no idea what it was, I didn’t take a picture of the menu that day, but I think it’s the one you can see in the background of my picture above), the Wedge Salad – marinated toy box tomatoes, edamame, applewood-smoked bacon, Artesian blue cheese, buttermilk ranch, crispy onions, $14, a Meat Appetizer – I only have a picture of my receipt with no description, but I think this was a pork belly, $15 and the Maple Glazed Brussel Sprouts, $9.

I love the bread service here – the pretzel bread is fantastic! I could probably make a meal just out of that!

I ended up not being able to finish my meal – my eyes were bigger than my stomach! I missed eating at the same table as Luke, as we typically would have shared the two dishes I had ordered. If I was thinking, I probably should have shared with my Mom instead of both of us ordering a poutine. Oh well!

We had the bill for our table of eight put onto one bill, and then used my Tables in Wonderland card for a discount. The total for our table (including the 18% gratuity) was $179.04. We all pitched in and left more cash on the table for a tip, since we had all just ordered appetizers and the server could have had tables ordering steaks.

I have no idea what Luke had, but I did write down in my notes that the total for his meal was $31.95. I’m guessing he also ordered the soup and poutine, and probably an alcoholic drink of some kind? He didn’t take any pictures, and he was sitting on the other side of the restaurant so I have no idea.

Tables in Wonderland original cost: $150 Break Even Point Before this meal: $0 Savings this Meal: $34.70 Total Saved: Full cost of card + $125.99

Predicted food budget: $2631.67 (does not include tip)                                        Estimated Cost of this meal: $83.08                                                                                  Actual Cost: $20.86 (Fallon) + $31.95 (Luke) = $52.81                                           Over/Under: Under by $30.27                                                                              Remaining: $1093.09

Sunshine Seasons – January 7, 2018

I had ate at Sunshine Seasons back in 2016, and enjoyed my meal so I decided to get the exact same thing haha.

Pork Chop with BBQ Sauce and two sides (mashed potatoes and green beans) – $13.99

This doesn’t look all that appetizing, but it really was quite good! And yes, I like pepper and coated everything in a generous serving of it haha – I do that with a lot of food (I just typically take my photos before dumping pepper all over it). The potatoes were creamy, the pork was juicy and the green beans…. were standard Disney green beans. I ate the majority of this plate.

I also grabbed a Coconut Macaroon – $3.49

I’m definitely in the minority with this hot take, but a macaroon is far superior to a macaron.

This was tasty – not dried out at all, and just the right amount of chocolate.

I enjoyed this meal in the company of Jill, Devin and Larissa. Jill had the same thing I did, and the other two ordered two of the vegan selections offered that day – I didn’t take pictures of other people’s food.

No Table in Wonderland savings offered here.

Predicted food budget: $2631.67 (does not include tip)                                        Estimated Cost of this meal: $22.12                                                                                 Actual Cost: $18.62                                                                                         Over/Under: Under by $3.50                                                                           Remaining: $1235.65

Homecoming / EOS / NBA Game- January 6, 2018

Luke and his family ended up back at Disney Springs while my Dad and I were at the hockey game. The four of them split these two delicious desserts from Amorette’s – the Key Lime Cheesecake and the Mickey Mousse. They didn’t get counted in our food budget, as Luke didn’t pay for them. I’ve had the Mickey Mousse before, and it’s very good. According to Luke, that key lime cheesecake is amazing.

They decided on something quick, easy and inexpensive for supper, and ended up at Earl of Sandwich. I have no photos, and no idea what kinds of sandwiches Luke purchased, but I do know he bought two of them – one to eat now and one to bring back to the room to eat tomorrow afternoon after the marathon.

Predicted food budget: $2631.67 (does not include tip)                                        Estimated Cost of this meal: $31.95 (We had no idea where Luke would end up eating, so we just estimated $30)                                                                           Actual Cost: $17.02 (2 sandwiches)                                                                                   Over/Under: Under by $14.93                                                                           Remaining: $1285.95

While at the NBA game, my Dad and I grabbed food from some place called Gringos Locos inside Anway Centre – I took a picture of the name, but no pictures of our food. Dad actually paid for my food, so I didn’t include this in the food budget for Luke and I. 

After being dropped off at Disney Springs, we decided we wanted a drink and a small snack, and since no one had any suggestions I led us to Homecomin’. By this point, it was fairly late so we had no trouble walking up and getting a table immediately for the four of us.

Our server, Anthony,  was a little intense at first, trying to explain the entire menu, offering recommendations for food and drink despite us saying we were just there for something small. He finally got around to asking if we had ate at Homecomin’ before, and everyone looked at me. I explained that I had just been there less than a week earlier, and we would be back on the upcoming Wednesday for my wedding reception. He was so excited about this, and was full of questions for me the rest of the night. I was a little put-off by this guy at the beginning but by the end of this meal I ended up loving him – he genuinely cared about his job and the food he was serving. He made a comment at one point about going to check his schedule to see if he was working Wednesday so he could try and serve my Wedding – he must have asked because, spoiler alert – he was one of the designated servers assigned to our private reception.

For this meal, I went with my favourite, the Moonshine Mash – watermelon infused moonshine, fresh watermelon, lime juice and simple syrup, $12, and Dad had a can of Michelob Ultra (his beer of choice at the time). We decided to share the Thigh-High Chicken Biscuits – three biscuits topped with Chef Art Smith’s famous fried chicken thighs and bread and butter pickles. Drizzled with honey, $15. I also had to get another piece of Chocolate Pecan Pie – a 100 year-old traditional Smith Family Farm recipe. Served with a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream, $10. It’s just sooo good! I don’t remember what Lisa and Trevor had, and I didn’t take a single picture of our food – I only have a picture of our receipt haha. Also – Anthony gave us a discount on our meal, despite the fact that I didn’t have my Tables in Wonderland card with me – which was so nice of him, and not something he had to do!

Predicted food budget: $2631.67 (does not include tip)                                        Estimated Cost of this meal: $0 – not planned                                                              Actual Cost: $31.68                                                                                         Over/Under: Over by $31.68                                                                           Remaining: $1254.27

Olivia’s Cafe – January 6, 2018

For my Dad’s first morning at Disney, we decided to take him to Olivia’s Cafe, located at Old Key West.

Luke went for the exact same breakfast he had on our previous trip there the year before – Eggs and Hash: 2 eggs served any-style over sweet potato ham hash, topped with key lime hollandaise, served with a buttermilk biscuit ($14). He also ordered a coffee ($2.99).

Luke once again loved this meal, and joined the clean-plate club! I actually don’t see this on the current menu – hopefully it’s just because of Covid and all the restrictions in place – otherwise Luke will be very sad!

I went in thinking I’d order the banana bread french toast again, but our server let us know there were a few special offerings just for Marathon weekend. After hearing the description of each item I decided on the Chicken and Waffles ($16), and a glass of apple juice ($3.59).

This needs to be on the full-time menu! I don’t have the official description, but it was classic Mickey waffles and the same chicken Olivia’s uses for their Southernmost Buttermilk Chicken on the dinner menu. There were also pickles and strawberries on the plate, maple syrup on the waffles and everything had a shake of powdered sugar over top. I loved this (I mean, what’s not to love?!). I actually did a decent job on this and put a considerable dent in my plate (except for those pickles, they were all shoved to the side because yuck).

My Dad went for the Waffles and Eggs – Waffles with Two Eggs-Any Style with choice of Bacon, Ham or Sausage with Maple Syrup ($15). He chose bacon, and asked for his eggs scrambled. He also had a glass of orange juice ($3.49). He also ordered the side of Strawberries and Whipped Cream ($5)…. they are a little generous with the whipped cream hahaha. My Dad loves fruit, and just wanted some for breakfast – instead he received a few strawberries and a bowl of whipped cream….

His plate doesn’t look too exciting, but you can never go wrong with Mickey waffles!

Luke and I love Old Key West, and I’m sure we’ll stay there again one day – which means we will eat at Olivia’s again in the future!

For the below math, only mine and Luke’s meal counted towards our actual cost, since my Dad paid for his meal himself.

Tables in Wonderland original cost: $150 Break Even Point Before this meal: $62.32 Savings this Meal: $12.01 Total Until Breaking Even: $50.31

Predicted food budget: $2631.67 (does not include tip)                                        Estimated Cost of this meal: $35.44                                                                                  Actual Cost: $31.17                                                                                          Over/Under: Under by $4.27                                                                           Remaining: $1345.57

Karamel Kuche – January 3, 2018

One of my favourite places in Epcot is Karamel Kuche, located in the German Pavilion. I had to make a stop on this day to load up on goodies, and we left with a bag of their Werther’s Popcorn ($5.99), a chocolate covered smore ($4.49), a chocolate caramel cookie ($4.49) and a dark chocolate covered caramel with sea salt ($3.99). I didn’t take pictures of anything except the cookie, when I ate it for breakfast two days later (and it was still delicious!)

This is one of those places I can see us visiting on every trip! Even the smell of it is amazing!

Predicted food budget: $2631.67 (does not include tip)                                        Estimated Cost of this meal: $31.95 (snacks at Epcot)                                           Actual Cost: $20.19                                                                                       Over/Under: Under by $11.76                                                                            Remaining: $1945.01

Hoop dee Doo – May 5, 2019

Luke and I had went to Hoop dee doo on our very first visit to WDW, back in January 2016. We really enjoyed it, but hadn’t found the time to make it back there on any of our subsequent trips. So we were excited when it was suggested as a group event during our Epic Trip weekend, and quickly signed up to attend.

After leaving Hollywood Studios, we caught a bus over to Fort Wilderness, where we transferred to an internal bus to take us to Pioneer Hall, where we met up with the rest of the group attending (Leslie, Molly, Su-Lynn, Steve, Su-Queen, Ariana, Jackie, Karilynn, Billie and Sarah). At one point, Luke went to the bathroom so he could take a picture of the crazy mural in the men’s washroom haha –

I cant remember exactly where this mural is – the women’s washroom maybe?

Close to showtime, they opened the doors and began leading groups to their assigned tables. I believe we had reserved category 2 seating, so we were on the main floor off to the side at two tables pushed together to form one long table (maybe we were category 1?). Our view was great!

If you’ve never been to this dinner show, it’s a set menu, and everything is brought to your table. The server assigned to your table takes care of your drinks (which are bottomless – and this includes wine, beer and sangria), as well as refills on any food items you’d like. Here’s the menu –

The bucket of salad as well as cornbread and butter were already sitting on the table waiting. Since the entire group of us met through the Disboards, where we all write dining/trip reports, we all stopped to take pictures of each dish before digging in haha…

The salad is good – standard, but good. Lettuce, shredded carrots, radish, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, cheese and an Italian-style dressing. If I’m offered salad on a pre-fixe meal at Disney, I eat it. I like to think my few mouthfuls of vegetables offsets the insane amount of delicious unhealthy carbs, fats and sugar I eat while on vacation haha.

This cornbread is so good! I don’t know why, but I could probably eat an entire loaf of it myself without trying too hard…it’s possible I actually did eat that much of it… The butter was nice and soft and easy to spread which is always nice! I think they initially had the equivalent of half a loaf per person on the tables, but I’m pretty sure we asked for more.

For drinks, I decided to try the white sangria while Luke ordered the red. I also ordered a Coke just in case I didn’t like the sangria (I like really, really sweet wines – like moscato, riesling, rose, etc). It was ok – a bit drier than I tend to drink, but that didn’t stop me from emptying my glass.

The show started, and I took zero pictures of the actual show until the very end. Before too long, the first act is over and they begin bringing out the main entrees – all served in buckets of course. There’s a little song about it, and the servers actually slam the metal buckets onto the tables. This was Su-Queen’s first time at Hoop dee Doo, and she was not expecting the slam – I managed to capture a picture of her face as the bucket of ribs was smashed down in front of her hahahaha

I forgot to take a picture of the bucket of fried chicken, but I did take a picture of a piece of it on my plate for some reason –

I’m not a huge ribs person, but these are fine. I enjoyed the two pieces I took, but I wouldn’t have wanted any more than that. The fried chicken is good – it doesn’t even come close to Homecoming, but then again nothing does.

For side dishes, the options are mashed potatoes, cowboy beans and “seasonal vegetables” – which was just corn. It’s not listed on the actual menu, but you can also ask for a bucket of mac and cheese which they will gladly bring to you.

The potatoes are very creamy. I don’t like beans, so I didn’t even touch those. Corn is corn – there’s not much to say about it, it tasted like a bag of frozen corn that was boiled until cooked. I’m not a huge mac and cheese fan, but I ate some of this and it was good.

After the food had arrived and everyone had a few minutes to dig in and enjoy it, the second act started. It’s such a fun show, filled with corny, groan-worthy jokes, likeable characters and fantastic singing/acting. The second act ends with a song about strawberry shortcake – and out come the servers with dessert. Everyone is swinging their napkins around, there’s clapping and singing along – it’s a good time!

This was Jackie’s birthday weekend, so they brought her a candle to blow out (along with other people in the audience), and everyone sang Happy Birthday.

This is definitely not my photo, since I’m right beside Jackie taking a picture from a different angle, but it was in my Google Photo account – there’s a few pictures in this report which I saved from other people…so thanks guys!

I love this dessert! It’s really nothing special, but is so good! The cost of Hoop dee doo is worth it just for the show and this dessert to me haha.

At some point, they brought around washboards to make noise and play along. Luke loves this, and was hamming it up for everyone at our table.

After the show ended, we gathered for a group photo – one final time to pull out the ChunkyDump!

We had a great night, and many laughs on the bus back to Magic Kingdom before splitting up to catch our respective buses back to our hotels. I was sad that we had to say goodbye, our Epic weekend had officially come to an end.

Since I can’t remember the exact category we had reserved, I can’t remember the exact cost. I’ll just go with $70/person, that’s in between the Category 1 and Category 2 pricing.

Total Food Cost: $1127

May 4, 2019 – Flower & Garden Festival / EPCOT

We entered Epcot through the International Gateway, and I had one thing on my mind, so we headed straight to France for a visit to the Fleur de Lys booth –

La Vie en Rose – Grey Goose Vodka Orange, St. Germain Liqueur, White and Red Cranberry Juice – $10.75

This was delicious! I definitely had a few more during this trip haha. We also found St. Germain (which is an Elderflower liquor) at a local liquor store and made these ourselves recently. Obviously the Disney ones were better since they have a proper slushy machine and I just used my Ninja blender – but since we can’t currently travel to Disney it was a nice little taste to remind ourselves of this trip <3. I love all the slushes from the France Pavilion, since my preferred alcohol of choice is vodka.

Since the rain was coming down hard, everyone was making the most of our time stuck in the Odyessy Building, and a bunch of people grabbed the Beer Flight – $9.50. I don’t think Luke bought this, and he doesn’t remember it either (and said that he probably wouldn’t buy it because none of these sound appealing to him – and I’d only had one drink thus far in the day so I can’t even blame my forgetfulness on that..). I didn’t even take a picture of the beer itself, oops! I’m not going to count this in our food total haha…

The drinks we grabbed from the Norway Pavilion were not Flower and Garden specific, but we didn’t care. Luke had the Einstock White Ale, $9.75 which is a Norwegian beer. I grabbed the cutest little thing of Copa Moscato wine, $9. My wine wasn’t even from Norway, but it was cute and sweet and cheap – I’m not fancy and I love cheap moscato wine haha. Luke really likes this beer, and described it as smooth with a slight bitterness. Plus it was served nice and cold, and he’s enjoyed it every time he’s had it.

We eventually found ourselves at Refreshment Port, so we stopped to grab some poutine like the good Canadians that we are haha. Beef Brisket Poutine – french fries with beef brisket, beer cheese sauce and poutine gravy topped with crispy onions, $8.99 and Coffee-Rubbed Pork Poutine – BBQ demi-glace, fire roasted corn relish and cheese curds, $8.49. These are definitely not a traditional poutine, but we were both hungry by this point and these hit the spot! Despite me hating coffee anything, it was a very subtle flavour that I barely noticed, and the pork poutine was our favourite of the two. The BBQ sauce offered a nice sweetness, while the brisket one was just a lot of savoury. We had to wait a few minutes for this which meant our fries were nice and fresh and hot – very tasty! I think the poutine options here change every so often, but I would order either one of these again.

We stopped at the A Taste of Marrakesh booth, where Luke purchased the Fried Cauliflower – with capers, garlic parsley and chili ranch sauce, $6, and a Casa Beer, $4.5. I tried one of these because I do like fried cauliflower, but they were so spicy! One and done for me! Luke handles spicy much better than I do, and he loved these. He described it as “sinus-clearing spicy” haha. He also said the beer was “beer-flavoured beer”, and was better than he expected it to be. He also liked the smaller size, so he finished his beer while it was still cold.

Also – it makes me laugh that cauliflower is spelt incorrectly on the receipt – what is cauliflowler?

We made a stop at the Kabuki Cafe in the Japan Pavilion. Every trip I have to get a Kakigori – shaved ice topped with fruit syrup, $4.50. I’ve tried most of the flavours, so I know tangerine is my favourite one. This is one of the better shaved ice I’ve had, I think it’s the syrup they use. Lots of flavour, doesn’t melt too quickly and so refreshing on a hot Florida day!

Luke went for the Sake Mist – alcoholic shaved ice, $9 (he chose the blackberry flavour). He’s had this a few times, and loves it. Because of the alcohol in this, it does melt really quickly – so you’re constantly toeing the line between eating it quickly and getting brain freeze.

Luke also went to Joy of Tea in the China Pavilion so he could grab a Tipsy Ducks in Love – Bourbon Whisky, coffee, black tea, cream and chocolate syrup, $12.50. I don’t have any pictures of it, but he loves this drink and has had it multiple times – just about every time we’re at Epcot.

Total Epcot food cost (this post): $78.50

Total Trip food cost: $738

Trattoria Al Forno – May 4, 2019

I was really looking forward to this breakfast, we had scheduled it for our wedding trip in 2018 but ended up needing to cancel at the last minute. So I was determined to make it there on this trip!

Our reservation was early – we were one of the first tables to be seated, the characters hadn’t even appeared yet.

We both knew what we wanted to order before we even sat down (we always look at menus ahead of time), but we still looked at the menu just to make sure nothing had changed. Since this is a character breakfast, it has a fixed price, but you can order any entree from the list. Juice/coffee/pop are included, but specialty drinks do cost extra.

I had decided on the Royale Breakfast – oak-grilled steak, asparagus, cheesy-egg torte, fonduta, breakfast potatoes, crispy onion.

This doesn’t look like anything special, but it was soooo good! I don’t think the steak typically comes cut into pieces like that, but again – I like to ruin my beef by asking for it well done. This was cooked perfectly, not dry at all. I don’t eat eggs very often, so I gave Luke the cheesy egg torte – but I did eat the asparagus and the fonduta on top was nice. I also gave Luke most of the crispy onions but I refused to share any of the potatoes. They were delicious! I would definitely order this again, I loved it.

Luke went for King Triton’s Shipwreck al Forno – calzone with scrambled eggs, bell peppers, salumi, bacon, sausage, blend of cheeses, Sunday Gravy.

They bring this dish out with the giant trident, but the server stands there while you take a picture and then they take the trident back with them immediately. I’m sure it’s for safety, that thing looks like it could hurt someone.

Luke enjoyed this more than he thought he would, but he couldn’t finish it. It was just too much food for that early in the morning, especially something as heavy as a calzone. But he told me he would definitely order it again!

Luke and I both ordered orange juice, and he had a coffee as well. We knew there would be plenty of time later that day for alcohol haha.

Also included with this meal is a basket of pastries, which are very pretty!

We split these, and ate every last bite of them! They were much better than we were expecting!

Of course this is a character meal – with Ariel, Prince Eric, Rapunzel and Flynn Ryder. We met Rapunzel and Flynn before our meals even arrived, and Ariel showed up before I had a single bite of my food. It was actually great timing, as we were able to enjoy the majority of our meal without worrying about missing a character. (and yes, my ears are battery-operated and light up!)

Tangled is a favourite in our house, so we really enjoyed meeting those two! Prince Eric is typically a boring character, but this cast member was excellent and really brought the character to life!

Our total bill after AP discount but before tip was $76.68. We paid, and were out of the restaurant shortly after 8am.

Total Food Cost: $643

‘Ohana – May 3, 2019

Our first official gathering for Epic weekend was for supper at ‘Ohana on Friday night. Luke and I ubered over to the Poly from OKW, and met up with Ariana and Jackie, who were outside at the Tiki Terrace enjoying a pre-supper drink. I wasn’t feeling like a drink yet, but Luke grabbed a Spiky Pineapple – Barbancourt Pango Rhum blended with Pineapple Soft-serve, $14 (an alcoholic Dole Whip, basically).

After chatting for a bit, we headed inside to meet up with the group. Quite a few of us had met the day before during the VIP Tour, but there were a few new faces to meet. Introductions were made, a few people grabbed drinks while waiting and before long we were led inside to be seated. Since we were such a large group, they had us placed at three long tables in the centre of the restaurant. I’m not sure who the original owner of this picture was, but I saved a copy to use for my review (so thanks to whomever I stole this from!)

Luke and I had ate at ‘Ohana a few times in the past – it’s been consistently worse each time we’ve gone, but it’s not terrible overall. It’s not a must-do for us, but we enjoyed the company during this meal <3

We both decided to start with drinks, and I ordered an Antioxidant Lemonade – Van Gogh Acai-Bluberry Vodka, Odwalla Lemonade and pomegranate juice topped with sprite, $11.25. I’ve had this before since it’s from the generic Disney alcohol menu that is available at most resorts on property, but I really enjoy it. It’s sweet without being overly so, and contains vodka – my alcohol of choice most of the time.

Luke ordered a Bacardi Mojito – Bacardi Superior Rum, fresh lime juice, agave nectar and mint topped with soda water, $11.75. This was a standard mojito, which is always delicious.

On to the food! First up is the Pineapple Coconut Bread – which I always find dry, kind of stale and overall just meh. At least they serve it with butter now (when we ate at ‘Ohana in 2017 they didn’t give us anything for it). You can taste the pineapple flavour in this bread, but I wouldn’t waste valuable stomach space on this – and I’m a huge lover of all carbs.

Next up is the salad, which seems to change every single time we eat here. On this particular day, it was spinach based. When I’m at Disney, and a salad is placed in front of me – I always try to eat some to offset all the other delicious bad-for-me food that I’m eating. This isn’t the best, but it’s not terrible and I do enjoy some fresh food every once in awhile.

The main platter of food contained Honey-Coriander Chicken Wings, Pork Dumplings, Teriyaki Noodles and Stir-Fried Vegetables. The vegetables tasted like they came frozen in a bag, they were kind of mushy and just not very good (which is too bad, they were excellent back in 2017). The dumplings and chicken wings were ok, and the noodles were decent.

The servers also come around with skewers of chicken, beef and shrimp. I don’t eat anything from the ocean, and Luke has a mild shellfish allergy so we both passed on the shrimp. I had a small amount of chicken but it was dark meat which I don’t really like, it always seems slimy to me. The steak is never cooked to my liking, but the cast members brought me some well-done pieces upon request. I know – I’m one of those people who likes to ruin meat. I didn’t take any pictures of the meat, since we were busy chatting with everyone at our table.

Finally, it was time for dessert, the famous ‘Ohana bread pudding. I was sitting beside Mary, and a cast member ended up spilling an entire container of caramel sauce down her back, so they gave her a voucher to get a new outfit from the shop on the main floor of the Poly. I felt so bad for her, I’m sure that was not fun to wash out of her hair….

Dessert tasted great as always though! I only had a small piece, but it was enough.

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This meal keeps getting more expensive every time we go – it was $52/person at this point. I did have my AP for 10% off, but obviously our group had more than 6 so the 18% auto-gratuity was applied (which is fine – we tip that much anyways!). For Luke and I, this meal cost $147.04 (or $124.18 before the tip – which is the price I’ll use for my total food cost).

Total Food Cost: $566

Brown’s Social House – May 13, 2018

Brown’s Social House is a franchise in Western Canada, and there’s a location less than a five minute drive from our house. For some reason, we only end up going there 2-3 times a year at most, which is kind of ridiculous because we’ve always had great meals there!

We ended up there on May 13th, 2018 after watching Stars on Ice at Rogers Arena since we just weren’t feeling like rink food while we were there.

Luke chose the Potato Crusted Cod Bowl – Icelandic cod, tartar sauce, almond rice, house salad, $18.45

He loved this! He said the fish was nice and flaky, the almond rice was great and the salad was fresh. I don’t eat fish, so I didn’t even try it.

I order the same thing every single time I’m there – the #28 Dragon Bowl – teriyaki chicken or tofu, coconut rice, bell pepper, red cabbage, crispy onion, spicy yogurt, $17.95

I don’t typically enjoy cabbage, but I actually eat it here since it compliments the rice and chicken so well. I also order the spicy yogurt on the side – it’s not that spicy, but I like to be in control of my sauces (I’m so weird…). This is honestly so good; I really want to try other items on the menu but I just can’t bring myself to order anything else!