Tag Archives: Food

50’s Prime Time – Lunch

50’s Prime Time – January 8th, 2016 – Lunch​

It was a very early morning for us this day, as Luke ran in the 10km as part of Marathon Weekend. I ate my chocolate muffin from supper the night before, since I wasn’t running and could get away with chocolate for breakfast. Luke ate his snack credit yogurt he had picked up the night before, as well as a mini box of cereal he had purchased at the food court and some fruit. After his race, we came back to our hotel room so he could shower (and I could change into dry clothes, since it had rained most of the morning and I was soaked from sitting for a few hours). We ate a few of the snacks we had delivered to our room from an Amazon order, and some of the things from the post-run box they gave Luke. After showering/changing/warming up, we headed out to Hollywood Studios for the day.

We had an 11:30 reservation at 50’s Prime Time, and I was really looking forward to it (it came heavily recommended by family/friends). We checked in a few minutes early, and only waited a few minutes before they called for us and led us to a table – one with a TV!


I had read all about this restaurant, and knew exactly what to expect – and of course our server called me out for having my elbows on the table within the first 5 minutes of being there…

I had also read the menu online, so I knew exactly what I wanted to order. Here is a wonderfully lit picture of the menu for anyone who is interested haha:


I went for the chicken pot pie with a glass of water and a vanilla coke since it was included on the dining plan. I love vanilla coke, but for some reason it has only recently started being sold in Canada (and only in 500mL bottles – I’d be buying cases of that stuff if I could!)

For some reason I couldn’t get the lighting right for a picture of my food, but the picture of Luke’s food turned out awesome?


Luke ordered the Peanut butter and jelly milkshake and the sampling of mom’s favourites – fried chicken, pot roast and meatloaf, with mashed potatoes and green beans.


See what I mean about the lighting for the pictures of our two meals?!

I really would have loved to have a milkshake, but I knew my stomach would not be happy with that – I still wasn’t 100% from the day before – so I just stuck to the vanilla coke.

Luke loved the milkshake, and has already said he wants to stop by 50’s Prime Time on our next trip just to get one. He also really enjoyed his meal a lot. I’m not a meatloaf fan at all, but I did try his pot roast and chicken and they were both great! His potatoes and gravy were also pretty tasty, I might have snuck a taste of those too haha.

My meal ended up being my least favourite of our entire trip. I don’t know if I just didn’t like the chicken pot pie (which is absurd – I love that stuff!) or if I just wasn’t myself that day. As mentioned earlier, I still wasn’t feeling 100%, and we woke up so early my body might have just been angry at me. Don’t get me wrong, the food wasn’t bad, I just thought the flavours were simply ok.

When our server, who was an older man who’s name I can’t remember – but he was awesome – came to take our dessert menu my first thought was “ugh! Dessert again!?”. I rarely, if ever, order dessert at a restaurant, but since it was paid for already and included on the dining plan I felt obligated to order it with every meal.

I decided on the apple crumble a la mode, one of my favourite desserts, but I asked for it with less ice cream than they would normally serve with it. I’m not sure if this request was honored or not, but it didn’t really matter. This was so sweet I could only eat a few bites of it before calling it quits. I was quite sad about that, I hardly ever cook or bake (Luke is the chef in our house) but apple crumble is one of my go-to desserts to make and I’d have to day mine is better than the one at 50’s (which is really saying something – and trust me it’s the only thing we ate on the entire trip that I would say that about).


Luke went for the cheesecake, which was served with raspberries, whipped cream and a fresh mint leaf. He enjoyed it, and let me try and I agreed it was much better than the dessert I had ordered.


Overall, the restaurant was a lot of fun! Our server was a lot of fun, he was an older gentleman who kept calling me Peggy Sue. We watched as a person at a nearby table was punished by standing with her nose against the wall, and a group of tables of strangers being led to shout things in unison. We didn’t have to deal with any embarrassing punishments, except our server kept reminding me of how I had my elbows on the table when we first got there.

I really wanted to love this place, and maybe I just ordered the wrong things off the menu? I’d be willing to give it another shot, and probably order the pot roast next time, but you won’t hear me raving about this experience.

We used two table service credits for our meal, and only paid the tip out of pocket. If we were not on the dining plan, it would have cost $21.99 (Luke’s meal) + $5.99 (PB&J shake) + $5.99 (cheesecake) + $19.99 (chicken pot pie) + $3.49 (coke) + $7.99 (apple crumble) = $69.70 after tax. But – if we were not on the dining plan, we definitely wouldn’t have ordered dessert – we didn’t end up finishing either one.

Wine Country Trattoria – World of Color Package

April 17, 2015

Before heading to California, we did very little research on Disney. Neither one of us had ever been to any of the Disney parks before (and to be honest, we didn’t really think of it as a high priority – just a “maybe someday once we have kids?”). Turns out we should have had this at the top of our list – we both loved it!

Even if we had wanted to research like crazy for this trip, the quick turn-around from booking flights to actually landing in Anaheim would not have allowed for it (we decided to go on the trip on a Monday, and flew down on Thursday that same week, which you can read about here). I did however take some time to talk to a few co-workers who I knew had taken their families to Disneyland within the past few years. The one thing I was told over and over – don’t miss World of Colour at California Adventure Park. One co-worker mentioned that he really regretted not booking a fastpass or a dining package for preferred viewing – so I went online and looked into it. There are three restaurants that participate in this – Ariel’s Grotto, Carthay Circle Restaurant and Wine Country Trattoria. Ariel’s Grotto appeared to serve a lot of fish (go figure), and anything that comes from the water is disgusting and I refuse to eat it. Luke also has a slight shellfish allergy, so that eliminated that restaurant. The Carthay Circle Restaurant had a weird menu (I’m extremely fussy and bland with my palate) so that left Wine Country Trattoria. When you book the World of Color dining package, you can not just order from the normal menu. You select from a pre-determined menu at a set price per person, but your meal will include an appetizer (such as soup or salad) as well as dessert. The menu changes from each location. 

I made a dinner reservation (I didn’t spend enough time researching to know that lunch at Wine Country costs only $29.99 while dinner costs $42.99), but I also would not have cared about that. For our starters, Luke chose the salad, which did not have a single thing in it that I would eat. That left me asking for the soup selections – they had minestrone that day which is something I will eat, hurray! For entrees Luke chose the chicken breast, which he really enjoyed. I went for the filet mignon – but of course I insist on all meat being cooked well-done. I prefer my steak to not still be mooing on my plate, thank you very much. (I take so much heat for this all the time – “You just ruined a great cut of meat!”). The first time they brought my steak out, I cut into it and it bled all over my plate so I of course asked to send it back (I try not to send things back at restaurants very often, it’s pretty much only steak). I then had to wait over half an hour before they brought it back out to me (so Luke was finished his meal before I even started eating my filet mignon. When I did finally get it back however, it was cooked perfectly! Also, I was such a Disney newbie that I didn’t even take any pictures of our food! Shame on me!

Then came dessert – and omg. It was fantastic! It was a sampler plate with 2 of each of the following: European macaroons, cream puffs, tiramisu and panna cotta. We were both full from our meal, and weren’t able to clean off the dessert plate, but we did make sure we sampled everything. 

When our waitress brought us our bill, she also brought over our paper fastpasses for a reserved section to watch World of Colour later that night.

To make up for the long wait I had for my steak to be re-cooked, our waitress offered us a fast-pass for the Radiator Springs Racers which we gladly accepted (they didn’t have to offer anything, and The Cars ride had by far the longest waits of any ride in the park – and was also one of the most impressive). We paid our bill and headed over to use our Fast-pass, only to find out the ride had broken down 🙁 A cast member directing people told us we could come back the next day to use the fast-pass, but we weren’t coming back so it ended up going to waste. I didn’t even think to try and hand it off to someone else. Oh well! We decided to just head to the reserved area for World of Color even though it didn’t start for another 45 minutes. Turns out we made the right decision – we ended up being front and centre for it! We could actually feel the heat off the flames and some of the water from the cannons ended up landing on us. 

The show itself is not to be missed – it is incredible. I was so caught up in watching it I ended up not taking a single picture of it (which is totally not like me at all!). For almost half an hour I just stood there in awe of what I was watching. The price of dinner was well worth having the best reserved viewing area – you can get fast-passes early in the day for the show, but the views are not as centered. 

Next time we go back to Disney’s California Adventure Park I will absolutely be booking another dining reservation for World of Color! I highly, highly recommend it and am so glad it’s the one thing I booked in advance!

Paradise Garden Grill

April 17, 2015

After Luke grabbed his turkey leg, I went in search of food that a fussy eater like myself would enjoy. I found the Paradise Garden Grill, and after reading the menu decided to give it a try!

I was a Disney food newbie, so I didn’t even take any pictures of my food! I know, shame on me!

I ordered the grilled steak skewer with tzatziki sauce, rice pilaf, cucumber salad and pita bread for $11.99. It was a huge plate of food for the price, and I was really impressed by the quality! Luke ended up preferring my food to his turkey leg, and together we managed to lick that plate clean!

I would not hesitate to order this again!



Turkey Legs

April 17th, 2015

Around 1pm, after being in Disney’s California Adventure Park for a few hours, we realized we were starting to get hungry, and we were still hours away from our supper reservation. So, Luke decided he needed to try a turkey leg after hearing so much about them!

It did not interest me at all, but I did try a bite just to say I did. Neither one of us are dark meat people, and we never typically order the leg at a chicken restaurant. Luke did eat quite a bit of it, since he was hungry, but I can’t see him buying another one again anytime soon.


Intermission Food Court – Supper

Intermission Food Court – January 7 – Supper

After eating at Tusker House, I really wanted to push forward with our day, but I was really sick. I realized I would not be able to make it to our planned supper reservation (and even if I did, I would not enjoy myself at all) so I sadly had to call to cancel our ADR for 1900 Park Fare :sad:. Since we had every day of our trip planned with ADR’s, there was no time slots that worked with our schedule to try and get back to it, I was really sad about that.

After sadly spending the better part of the next hour in the washroom feeling really sick, we decided to call it a day and head back to our hotel. We arrived back to our hotel around 3:15pm. I immediately crawled into bed but was in too much discomfort to fall asleep right away. Luke decided he should try for a nap as well, since we knew we had a very early morning the next day for the 10km race. I eventually did fall asleep, and we both napped until a little after 6pm. After waking up I was feeling a bit better, but definitely not 100% and I knew I didn’t want to go too far to get supper, so we decided to just eat at Intermission Food Court at All Star Music.

Luke does not like carb-loading the night before a race like a lot of people do, he prefers to just try and have a healthyish meal (no deep fried things). He chose the pot roast with green beans and mashed potatoes ($10.49). Since we were on the dining plan, he also grabbed a chocolate dipped Mickey rice krispie ($4.49) and some milk ($2.49). He really liked his meal (although he had a better pot roast the next day), but overall he was pleased with the food for the cost, especially since this was a “food court” meal.


I went for the turkey with green beans and mashed potatoes ($11.99), with a bottle of Coke ($2.99) and a chocolate muffin ($3.99). I was really impressed by this, the turkey was actually carved when I ordered it so it was still nice and moist and not all dried out from sitting under a heat lamp for hours. It was one of those all white meat turkey breats, not the entire turkey, but it was quite tasty! The mashed potatoes were good, the gravy had flavour to it and the green beans were fairly standard (and nothing will compare to those green beans from BOG!). Overall, another great option from Intermission Food Court (I assumed 3 star hotel, 3 star food but that was not the case!). Also yes, I really like pepper haha.


We used 1 quick service credit each for this meal. We had brought our refillable mugs with us, so I saved my bottle of Coke for later in the trip, and just drank water. The muffin I also saved, and ate for breakfast the next morning (breakfast of Champions, am I right?!). If we were paying out of pocket, the cost would have been $36.44 + tax, so not a terrible use of 2 quick service credits in my opinion.

Luke also picked up a yogurt parfait ($5.49) to eat the next morning before his race, and used a snack credit for it – so a really great use of one of those!

After eating I did feel a bit better, but we decided to call it an early night and we were both asleep again by 9pm – ready for a SUPER early morning wakeup the next day.

Tusker House

Tusker House – January 7th, 2016 – Lunch
On this morning, we didn’t eat breakfast – we just snacked on a few of the things we had ordered from Amazon and had shipped to our hotel. Our first meal of the day was supposed to be at Tusker House at 1:10pm, however after going on a few rides I was not feeling very well. We decided to head over to the restaurant to see if we could get in early, and they were able to seat us around 12:30.
I was so excited to eat here – it was our first character meal of the trip! I quickly ordered a glass of water, and headed straight to the buffet. I really wasn’t feeling good, so my main focus was on getting something into my body – therefore there are no pictures of our first plates of food. I do know that my first plate was mainly salad, and it wasn’t even close to being a full plate.
We did not have to wait long before the first character approached our table – I had already drank an entire glass of water by this point so I was feeling slightly better (nothing, not even my Crohn’s was going to stop me from getting pictures with the characters!).
I ended up going back to the buffet two more times for food, and I actually remembered to take a picture of one of them:
Starting at the top center and going right, that’s mashed potatoes and gravy, caesar salad, plantains, some kind of bread, a potato and pea samosa, basmati rice and carved pork (I think it’s the Kenyan BBQ pork if you look at the sauce between the rice and meat). As I mentioned before, I’m not an overly adventurous eater so my plate looks a little boring. There are so many options here, so both picky eaters (like me) and adventurous eaters (like Luke) can find a ton of things to satisfy! I know I had green beans from the kid’s section at one point, and more of the carved meat options.
When I went up for dessert, I couldn’t decide on what I wanted, so I think I grabbed a full plate and then split everything with Luke.
Again, starting at the top in the center and going right, I want to say it was some kind of lemon bread?, pecan chocolate squre, fruit tart, coconut macaroon, chocolate brownie, and two other types of squares (I don’t remember exactly what they were). Luke ate the bread and the fruit tart. We split everything else. The pecan chocolate thing was so good, it was chewy and dense and just all around amazing. I’m a big fan of coconut macaroons, and this one did not disappoint. Everything else was good, but forgettable.
There were 4 characters in total who visited our table during our meal, all of whom were dressed in Safari outfits – Mickey, Donald, Daisy and Goofy. Since the restaurant was not even close to being full, we ended up seeing a couple of the characters 2 or 3 times.
I somehow missed getting a picture with Goofy… At one point during the meal, Goofy actually came into the room where we were and tried to gather all of the kids to join him in a little parade, clapping their hands and dancing around the room. There were only like 3 kids who actually went up, and Luke felt bad, so he went and joined them. He followed Goofy around the room twice clapping his hands and laughing. It was really cute!
The food was amazing here, Luke is still talking about it and it is already on our wishlist of ADR’s for our next trip to WDW in January 2017. I managed to eat a lot of food, but I still was not feeling well at all. I actually had to make 3 trips to the bathroom during our meal :( Stupid Crohn’s :(
After scanning our magic bands for a table service credit each, and paying the tip out of pocket we left. If we were paying out of pocket, it would have cost $41.99/each or $89.44 for both of us after tax (before tip).
The theming of this restaurant is incredible! The main area where the buffet is located is set up to look like an open air market, the Safari gear costumes the characters wear are adorable and there are so many tiny details throughout the entire building tying it all together. I wish I wasn’t so sick that day, otherwise I would have taken more pictures! There’s always next time :)

Be Our Guest – Dinner

Be Our Guest – January 6th, 2016 – Supper
After an amazing day afternoon at Magic Kingdom, it was finally time for our supper ADR – at Be Our Guest! I was so excited for this one, and felt so lucky to have even managed to book us in . When we booked this trip, we were already well within the 180 day window for making dining reservations, but I refused to give up on this place! I kept checking, and I finally managed to find a single opening, for 6:20 on our first full day at Disney! I had to juggle a few of our other ADR’s around to make this fit, but we did it!
We checked in, and then walked over the bridge to sit outside. Within 5 minutes our names were called and we were being led into the Beast’s castle! We were led to a table at the very back of the main room, right beside the Christmas tree! Sorry this picture is kind of blurry, the room was really dark and I hadn’t quite figured out my new camera yet…
I loved the red napkins at each place setting, rolled into a rose. So simple, yet it added a nice touch.
I went a little crazy in the planning stages of my trip, and had read all of the menus posted online for the restaurants we knew we’d be visiting, so I knew exactly what I wanted before I even sat down – the grilled strip steak (cooked well done of course!) with green beans and fries. After reading over the menu, Luke decided to get the same thing, only with his steak cooked medium (gross!). I ordered a glass of water and a glass of root beer to go with my meal. I thought about a glass of wine, but I knew we weren’t finished going on rides for the night, and with my Crohn’s I really have to be careful of alcohol. Luke ordered a glass of water, a coffee and a bottle of Kronenberg beer (he’s not a huge drinker, but you have to take advantage of being in the only licensed area of Magic Kingdom!).
I wish I could remember our waiter’s name – he was excellent! Very attentive, friendly and personable without being too intrusive. Our meals came out perfect – my steak was actually cooked well done properly (which a lot of places seem to struggle with). It was cooked fully, but still juicy. And the beans – Oh. My. God. Those beans. According to the menu, they were cooked in truffle oil (which I had never had before – I’m an extremely fussy eater so we don’t usually go to very many fancy restaurants), and I couldn’t get enough of them. I ate every last one, while picking out the onions and red peppers which came mixed in with them and shoving them onto Luke’s plate haha. Like I said, I’m really fussy. Here’s a picture of my amazing meal (the plating wasn’t the prettiest):
I ended up eating only a few of my fries. I was not a fan of the sauce they were served with, and I prefer shoestring-style fries to thick cut ones like these. It was fine though, the beans and the steak were so fantastic I didn’t mind not eating everything on my plate – plus it was more than enough food for me. The steak was huge – I think the menu said it was 10 ounces? I typically struggle just to finish an 8 ounce steak at a restaurant, but I was impressed by how much I was able to eat. Luke of course finished all of his, because he’s a man and that’s what they do.
We knew we would be using credits from the dining plan on this meal, so dessert was included. I already knew what I wanted – I had to try the grey stuff! Luke ordered the orange eclair. Here are our desserts in all their glory:
The grey stuff was a grey coloured mousse that tasted like cookies n’ cream tucked inside a chocolate tart. The tart was harder than I was expecting, I ended up scooping the grey stuff out with my spoon. Luke declared his eclair was “great!” I tried a bite, and I’d have to agree!
Our amazing waiter had actually noticed my birthday pin stuck to my backpack, which I had put on the floor beside me and brought me a Happy Birthday card signed by Belle and the Beast, and a plate of grey stuff mousse sprinkled with Mickey sprinkles and a candle stuck in it. I thought this was such a nice little touch – some really great Disney magic! It was nice to begin celebrating my birthday a week early :)
The cost of our meal: $35/each for our steaks, $5 for each dessert, $3.50 for my root beer, $3 for Luke’s coffee and $13 for two beer. We swiped our Magic Bands and used 2 table service credits, leaving us with a bill for $13 for the beer, plus tip (and we tipped well – we loved that waiter!).
We stopped to meet the Beast on our way out. I don’t know why Luke was cut out of this picture…
Overall we had a fantastic experience with great food, atmosphere and waiter. The steak is by far the most expensive item on the menu, and in my opinion the only thing worth using a table service credit on if you care about breaking even on the dining plan. I would not hesitate to return for supper, but I don’t think it’s going to make it into our plans for our next trip.

Peco’s Bills – Lunch

Peco’s Bills – January 6th, 2016 – Lunch
After the race expo, the first park we headed to on our trip was Magic Kingdom! After our first Fastpass for Splash Mountain, we decided it was time for lunch and decided to give Peco’s Bills a try.
After looking over the small menu, we made the decision to share a single meal. We had a supper reservation at Be Our Guest, and we knew we’d be having a large meal there, and we wanted to fully enjoy it without being too full.
From all of my research on the dining plan before we left for our trip, I knew that each quick service credit was good for one entree, one non-alcoholic drink and one dessert. We agreed to go with the build-your-own fajita platter with beef, black beans, cilantro rice, grilled onions/green peppers and three flour tortillas, with a coke and the churro bites and chocolate sauce for dessert.
I was impressed by the “fixin’s bar” here, where you could load up on a variety of items to pile on your fajitas. Between us we picked up some shredded cheese, salsa, sour cream, jalapeno peppers, guacamole, banana peppers, hot sauce and pico de gallo. All of these toppings are free with the purchase of a meal, and they really elevated our fajitas!
Three tortillas might not sound like much, but once you pile on your fixin’s, meat, grilled veggies, etc, they became difficult to even close! I only ate one, and it was so full of meat, rice, sour cream, salsa and shredded cheese it was messy! I definitely enjoyed it though! Obviously, don’t order this expecting the meat to be comparable to a filet mignon from a fancy steakhouse or anything haha.
We were both skeptical of churros – the only ones we’d ever had were hard and dry and gross, but we’d heard so much about Disney churros. After one bite, we realized what all the fuss was about – these were so much better than any churro we’d ever had before! I wasn’t crazy over the chocolate sauce these ones were served with, but the churros didn’t need them, there was plenty of cinnamon sugar to go around!
It ended up being more than enough food for us to share and hold us over until supper. While we were eating, I noticed a large bird walking around. I’m actually terrified of birds, and this guy walked right up to us with no shame, and stole a mouthful of beef off our tray before we even realized what had happened. I had my phone out just to take a picture of him, he was a couple feet away from us when I started raising my phone up for a picture – this guy was fast! But there you go – the meat is Disney wild-bird approved as well!
Had we paid for this meal ourselves, it would have cost $14.99 for the fajita platter, $4.99 for the churros and $3.69 for the Coke. That’s a pretty good use of a quick service credit!

Intermission Food Court – Breakfast

Intermission Food Court – January 6th, 2016 – Breakfast
On our first morning at Disney, we decided to grab some food in the food court of our hotel again, before heading out to the Marathon Weekend Race Expo.
I’m not much of a breakfast person. My first meal of the day usually involves some sort of junk food if I’m being honest, but I decided to go with some banana bread on this morning.  The cost was $3.79, but I used our first dining plan credit of our trip – a single snack credit. This was fine, nothing really special. It was enough food for me to take my Crohn’s medication, and to hold me over until lunch later in the day. I prefer my banana bread to have chocolate chips in it, like I said I like my junk food :rotfl2:. Would I buy this again? Probably. It was cheap and good enough for me.
Luke on the other hand, eats breakfast every morning. Most mornings when I come downstairs I find him sitting at the kitchen table sharing pieces of bacon with our two dogs and two cats haha.  He decided to go with the Bounty Platter, which contained scrambled eggs, breakfast potatoes, a Mickey waffle, a biscuit, bacon and a sausage link. He also picked up a banana to go with his meal. I ended up snacking on the breakfast potatoes, I liked them a lot. In Luke’s words – “the bacon was standard restaurant bacon – it’s still good but just not great. The sausage was surprisingly really good! The Mickey waffle was way better than I expected it to be. The eggs were just basic, but fine. I can’t remember if I ate the biscuit or not?” We paid out of pocket for this one and it came to $11.97 – and $1.69 of that was for the single banana. The platter was a decent amount of food, especially for the price.

Intermission Food Court – Late Night

Intermission Food Court – January 5th, 2016
After hours of flying and 2 layovers, we finally landed in Orlando and hopped onto the Magical Express! We were the third stop out of four on our bus, but it didn’t take long before we were checking in! Once we received our MagicBands and room assignment, we decided it was time for our first Disney meal of the trip! It was late, so Intermission Food Court was offering a reduced menu but we had no trouble finding items to order.
We activated our refillable mugs – I chose blue and Luke grabbed a green one for himself. These were included in our dining plan :)
Luke ordered the chicken nuggets with salad. I was not expecting these for the nuggets! I figured he’d have a plate with some pressed meat blobs similar to what they serve at McDonald’s, not real white meat chunks! I stole one of these from his plate and was really impressed by them! I didn’t try the salad, it looked disgusting to me but Luke said it was really nice, and he enjoyed the fact that he had an option to eat vegetables even if his main meal was deep-fried…
I had the make-your-own pasta with penne, a chicken breast (it’s buried under that sauce!) and marinara sauce with a breadstick and salad on the side. The pasta was nothing special, but it’s a food I really enjoy (I was gluten free for 4 years, from the age of 21 until my Crohn’s diagnosis at the age of 25, so I have an appreciation for the taste of refined flour now :rotfl:) The penne didn’t seem to be normal white pasta, but it wasn’t quite whole wheat either – is there some hybrid of the two? Or am I just that terrible at judging food? Either way, I ate it all. The chicken breast was good and a decent size, the sauce had flavour (I’ve had much better, but I’ve also had much worse) and the breadstick was just a classic breadstick that had some salt on it. I ate everything, even a little bit of the side salad (you’ll notice as you read my food reviews that I’m not a huge vegetable person haha). The dressing was some sort of balsamic, which I am not a fan of, and there were a lot of things in the salad I didn’t like (like tomatoes, gross!). But, I ate a few pieces of lettuce and then let Luke finish it off – he was happy with that – he loves his veggies!
We didn’t buy drinks with this meal, we just used our refillable mugs. I want to say we both had Coke (which is so much better in the States – Canada doesn’t allow high-fructose corn syrup, our Coke/Pepsi products are sweetened with glucose-fructose and I find they have completely different flavours). For this meal we decided to pay out of pocket as we didn’t want dessert that late at night, and it didn’t cross our minds that we could save it for the morning as a snack. The total cost for both meals came to $20.10 – which really isn’t terrible for what we got.