Tag Archives: house/lifestyle

2019 Items in 2019

Last weekend, I decided to start tackling our disaster of a basement…

I started breaking down old boxes, and tossing away anything that was old/broken/etc. It did take me a few hours, but by the time I finished just this side of the basement I had thrown away over 100 items and I swept/mopped the floors. There’s still a lot to be done, but overall I was very happy with the progress made in one day!

As of today (January 26) there are over 200 items out of our house since the beginning of the year!

Count: 236/2019

After this picture was taken, the lamps and stool were both moved and that cardboard box was broken down and placed into recycling.

This is entirely Christmas/Halloween/Easter decorations….. I might have a bit too much of that stuff…

I almost never wear heels, so I will probably end up selling quite a few of those pairs at some point this year. I did move a few pairs straight into a tote of things to sell, but I was more focused on picking them up off the floor than I was on going through them…